A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I assume a lot of us know your decision to make Lexington gay. I believe this to an incredibly bold move on your part for a television show geared at kids. I do support the decision however. I think it takes Gargoyles "one step further" from being a children's oriented show.
Not the homosexuality isn't a subject children can understand but rather, it moves away from the story book ending of "Boy meets girl, boy and girl get married" sort of thing. I applaud this move.
I also think in terms of in series story lines it creates yet another reproduction issue for the Manhattan clan, as Lexington will never have children. I don't have any specific questions as to his mate for two reasons.
1) I enjoyed the series because I watched it unfold before me, not because I KNEW what was coming next. Every turn was a new suprise. I remember such great moments as the Avalon clan not being eggs, and the mutates first being introduced. I loved the edge my seat experience each show had.
2) I have guessed by now that you feel the same way. I think you desperately want to hold this good stuff in because you ( and I) want the show back on the air. Not that every fan doesn't want it back, but I am willing to sit on my questions for as long as it takes until the show is back. I want to see it unfold on screen.
I will buy multiple copies of the DVD later this year
Let me start with this... I don't really consider it a "decision" to make Lex gay... anymore than I considered it a decision to make Macbeth immortal or Xanatos machiavellian. It's just who he is.
Beyond that, I tend to agree with your two points. The show may not be returning to the air anytime soon, but with the new comic book series coming out, I am less and less inclined to give away ANYTHING. As it is, I know I've already given away WAY too much. Certain things that would, I believe, have been amazing surprises, are now only going to be interesting to the hardcore fan from the standpoint of execution. "Did he pull it off or not?"
The thought has crossed my mind to change things so that I can surprise you all. But I made a conscious decision not to change things for that reason. Some things may change, as nothing but the canon 65 are etched in stone. So if I come up with a better idea, I may go with that better idea. But otherwise...
So thanks for buying the DVDs and please keep an eye out for the comics...