A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Everyone always asks whether there will ever be another season, or how it's coming along, or the like. I'm going to assume that, if one was in the works, you'd let us know. But I do have a few questions that are definitely related, although off to the side a little. To wit:
1) Is it even POSSIBLE for there to be another season? It certainly looks like Disney's given up on the series, so how likely is it another company would get the rights? What would they have to go through?
2) If there was another season, would The Goliath Chronicles be considered canon? Other than the fans almost unanimously hating it, there's really no justification to cut it from the continuity.
I hope you consider these as questions you are willing to answer, and not merely more irritating pleas for another season. :)
1. The so-called THIRD SEASON OF GARGOYLES is now in the works... in comic book form. The folks at creaturecomics.com, SLG Publishing and Disney have teamed up to put out the new book with original canon stories due to hit the stands in June 2006.
2. I'm choosing to ignore the Goliath Chronicles in the comic book. The justification is that ... is that... well, heck, do I really NEED a justification?