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Ryan writes...

'sup Greg?

You just recently posted a reply to a question about whether or not you would consider writing a Gargoyles novel to help flesh out your master plan in lieu of doing a continuation of the series. This seems like a good idea to me. You replied that you would love to write a novel (or eight) if you could find an interested publisher. But you don't need a traditional publisher to get published these days. You can write a book, publish it online, and interested parties can order copies and the books can be printed one at a time. This means no huge financial risk for publishers and so no need for a huge audience, it means increased per-sale profit for the author, which would be good for you since the novels probably won't make the NY Times Bestseller list and you would probably want at least some financial incentive to pour so much of your time into such a project. These days anybody can get published, it's something you ought to look into, as an outlet for yourself as well as for all the dedicated fans. Though personally I'm pulling for the DVD sales to get that movie made and then a new series... but I know that's probably wishful thinking at this point. we'll see in four days how that's going to pan out..

Good luck in all your future endeavors.. which you will have about two years worth of from now until the time you actually answer this. :)

Greg responds...

The idea has crossed my mind before -- on other properties -- but you're leaving out a big piece of the puzzle here in the gargverse. I don't OWN Gargoyles. I can't self-publish a for-profit Garg novel.

Response recorded on September 18, 2006