A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Um... I am posting my review of the dvd. I was forwarded here so forgive if this is the incorrect place to stick this in Greg's section... Here goes!
The menus were exciting to watch unfold. As a big fan and devoted Gathering (convention) attendee, I skipped the great quality of the sound and video for a peek at the Gathering Documentary. Wow. That to me is the most special part of the dvd. The film crew were awesome when we were there and filmed for four straight days nearly. Though I wish all of the footage could be used, what was selected for the film I felt spoke adequately of our devotion to the show. Though I missed not seeing Aaron's demona tattoo;) I was seen no less than three times, which is a plus, but the way in which the documentary was put together was quite professional and I am pleased and proud to see Disney able to take the time to honor us, the fans, for our dedication. Without us, there would have been no dvd for some time. It is a mark of achievement, the whole package, and many years in the making. Here's to the tenth year, and hopefully many more to come!
I missed Aaron's tattoo too. It was in the rough cut I saw. Wish they had left it in.