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Russell writes...

I know this isn't exactly the right place for this, and I've read your "guidelines" for these questions, but I'm a writer and I'd like to meet with you to discuss some ideas I had for a potential Gargoyles movie. Please get back to me with the pertinent contact information. My e-mail address is pantheon17@yahoo.com.

Thank you.



*** Site Admin -- PLEASE forward this on to Mr. Weisman. Thank you. ***

Greg responds...

You've read the guidelines... and ignored them.


Look the guidelines are there for a reason, and they apply to everyone.

And I don't take pitches (or read fanfiction) on ANYTHING Gargoyles related, because -- as it clearly states in the guidelines -- I have my own ideas, and I hope to make those ideas a reality someday, and I don't want to risk getting sued.

So (a) I don't contact anyone personally by e-mail through this site, because if I did it for one, I'd have to do it for all, and where would it end? And (b) why would I reward you for breaking the rules?

Response recorded on December 07, 2006