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Spacebabie writes...

Part Deux
Friday, July 29
Apparently the power went out because we woke up to see a blinking clock. Revel adjusted the time before we went to The Feast for breakfast. We joined Flanker and Sara the Great. After Revel and I finished eating we heard Thom's voice. We chatted with him and Lanny about various topics: including the evil eggs benedict and dogs.

After breakfast we helped Kathy set up Registration. Packets were handed out and we greeted friends. I squeed with delight at the fact we got a whole family with hatchlings. I showed some of my fellow Harry Potter fans a sketch I drew in my sketchbook.

Noon rolled by and it was time for my round robin. Hard to compete with Greg Weisman and cake and ice cream, but I managed to snag some people. The story primarily involved Puck and Fox and things got strange, fast. Just don't shout "Weeeee"in front of Chyna Rose unless you want her to die laughing.
Next I went to check out the art and dealers tables. I made sure I purchased a copy o the Eye of Odin Anthology, and Calendar. I also rolled some die at Shara's table and won a couple of T-shirts and a flag.

Next came the Demona Debate with Revel. (our first panel together). We made sure everyone who wanted to say something. Mostly what was discussed was about whether or not Demona was evil. I felt a little hampered by the burning in my stomach and a sore throat. The latter worried me due to the fact a sore throat is usually a harbinger for a head cold. (I felt fine through the rest of the weekend.)

We returned to the art show to talk and I went to bid on a few pieces of art before Revel and I went to get some Burger King. GregX gave us some money to get him something. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich meal with fries and a diet soda and Revel tried the Chicken Fries meal.

After dinner we got ready for the opening ceremonies. Chris greeted us and asked how many gatherings we have attended. Then the 2006 Gathering Staff did their spiel. Then Greg Weisman took the mike and showed us the visual goodies he brings every year. There was a recording of Keith David regretting not being able to make it and video recordings from Greg, Thom, and several of the cast and crew telling us that they hope to make it next year.

Greg showed two preview clips. (The Power Of One recording one that we haven't seen before. We got to see some preview bonus material from the second season DVD, the recording of artwork for New Olympians and Dark Ages and the Bad Guys Leica Reel. The last see got to see was the fan made Leica reel of "The Last." It was the video recording, plus the art boards pieced together and colored and some new art provided by Vashkoda (Who did an excellent job)

After Opening Ceremonies I preregistered for next year and Revel and I dropped some stuff of at our room. We went to the Casino where Revel showed GregX how to play Blackjack. When they went to play some video poker, I tried my luck (Or lack there of) at the nickel slots. After using up a dollar I went to the Irish Pub and had a margarita.

The Blue Mug A Guest officially began when Thom entered he room. It was not quite as Blue as 2003 but it was Bluer than last year. Some questions were about the 2nd season DVD and the comic. Greg mentioned he felt that one of the girls in W.I.T.C.H. Might be a lesbian.

Andrea shouts out. "It's not Irma is it?"

Greg's response: "How did you know it was Irma?"
We all left around the same time as Thom.

Greg responds...

"I've been looking for you!"

Response recorded on December 14, 2006