A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I'll plead the Fifth part of the journal
Monday August 1
Joined GregX for breakfast again. I wanted to watch Win Xanato's money, but I needed food and I wanted to pick up my art. After I got my art I went to see the tail end of WXM and I got to see Gside win. Afterwards Allaine asked the audience members various True and False questions.
After helping Aaron clean up the are and returning the stuff to the consuite we came back down to Salon B to watch the original properties panel. The animated show pitches looked amazing and I hope they will gain some life.
I had to see who was going to win Thom's pants and the poker chips. Lynati won the pants and Alex Garg won the chips. Gregx won the Demona shirt designed by Liz. I won a Lexington action figure and a Goliath poster that Greg Weisman signed. (My father want to put it up in his office.)
The saddest part of the day was closing ceremonies. It was the official farewell and Greg and Chris bid us a farewell and reminded us to register for next year.
A lot of us finished cleaning up the art room. The room looked so sad when it was empty.
After we finished cleaning Revel and I figured it would be better idea to just do a "Mating Ceremony." We went up to the Consuite where there was a crowd. Emambu conducted the ceremony and we pledged our love to each other and I received a pretty ring.
Revel and I decided to get dressed up and go out to dinner. He had never been to Carrabas and we went there. He dressed up in the suit he sued for Jackal sans the shiny gold parts, and I wore the pretty blue dress I brought along.
The cab driver stiffed us on the way. We both ordered a drink. Revel tried a Cosmo and I had a vanilla cappuccino martini. I had the shrimp pasta meal that had a lot of mushrooms.
We had no trouble with the cab ride back. We wanted to take the shuttle to the strip, but we just missed it and it was getting late. We needed to wake up early the next day.
Okay, I'll bite... how does a cab driver stiff his fare? He took your money and drove off without you?