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I have been reading allot of the stuff on Bronx, Matt seems to keep implying that he is just some animal. Now if we take out the gift of spoken word wouldn't you have to say that about the entire clan, I mean from a human standpoint aside from the fact that some of them can talk, most people would just consider them a bunch of monsters. I think perhaps this is something that many people have not considered, I mean these creatures are not human beings, they have some human qualities (Even Bronx), nut alas they are not. I always thought that that was something that made Elisa and Goliath's relationship so beautiful, here you have two completely different creatures who have simply forgotten about all that. One other thing about bronx, why does everyone call him a dog? I mean he isn't, he's a gargoyle, so here are some questions about him
1. Greg does it bother you that people refer to him as a dog?
2. you have mentioned a maturation difference between beasts and standard gargoyles, it seems to me that bronx is kinda on the old side, almost close to hudsons age sometimes, he has many of the same traits/habits as hudson, or perhaps and older canine would.
3. Bronx also seems very tough, for example in city of stone when bronx was watching over Elisa and Owen, Demona did not seem to feel she could beat him, she even put down her mace. Also he seems to be the only one that can pin her for any length of time, I can't help but think if Lex or Brook had stayed behind she would have taken them on, so are most gargoyle beasts considered dangerous and you should not take one on, or just him?
4. Demona seems to not want to hurt bronx right away, she did threaten his life later but does she just feel like he is a big dumb animal and doesn't deserve to die? or does she just not care.
Well greg, hope to see you in LA
1. It depends on context. He has many dog-like qualities, I think you'd agree. But he's a gargoyle beast. And I'd prefer he were called that. Or, you know, "Bronx".
2. In chronological years, Bronx is much younger than Hudson. Younger than the trio too. In terms of maturity relative to species, he's an adult. My dogs Sammi and Abraham are ten and twelve respectively. WAY younger than me chronologically. But Abraham is definitely an old man as bassets go.
3. Well, I hate to make blanket statements about ALL beasts, but yeah, they're generally pretty tough. And I think we've demonstrated Bronx's potential fierceness.
4. Perhaps she just didn't want a fight when she didn't need one -- not when she had other priorities. Perhaps she felt that once the other gargoyles were out of the way, Bronx would transfer his loyalty to her.