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My thoughts on the DVD.
First off, I've been anticipating this set for a long time, my favorite episodes ("The City of Stone" Four-Parter) are on it, so having it on DVD is a real treat.
The episodes themselves all look great, the picture is sharp, and the sound is awesome, and keep in mind, prior to this, I was watching these episodes on decade old VHS cassettes, all from the original Disney Afternoon airings. So I was always hearing a sound effect I hadn't heard.
One little thing, I finally have all of "The Cage". I taped the episode when it aired, but the day I taped it, the cable decided to go out for fifteen seconds during Goliath and Elisa's talk at the Clock Tower at the beginning, and I never caught a re-run, so this was my first time seeing the entire episode.
I loved the audio commentary for CoS. Greg, Michael and Frank are all fun to listen to, though I am surprised that Michael (and for that matter, many fans) never noticed Demona was off model a few times in CoS Part One. I noticed... but then, I always payed very close attention to Demona ;)
Hmm, Greg things Demona was a little bit in love with Macbeth in the CoS Part Four flashback. Curious ;)
Overall, a very solid DVD release, Disney is being very good to us with these. The only thing that annoys me is the wrong ending for "Vows" being used for this set. But thankfully, I have found no further mistakes (Yaye, the mouth on Xanatos's armor isn't moving!), and that's a minor complaint (but hopefully one we'll see corrected for the eventual Blue Ray or HD-DVD release)
Of course I can't wait for next set. ::Crosses his fingers for Hunter's Moon commentary::
I do hope, should we ever get the next release, that we'll have the correct "Vows" ending on it as a bonus.
And HEY, I made it to 2006. For one brief window, I am less than a year behind. So I'm gaining on you all!!!