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Gargoyles, Season 2, Volume 1. My Personal Review, broken down into categories as any good review should be.
THE SOUND - It was very crisp. Very clear and 'new', considering that the episodes are now over 10 years old. The audio just floored me, from Goliath's opening 'speech' to the end credits. I felt very satisfied with the sound factor.
THE PICTURE - Very smooth. The animation was nicely done on TV, and it looks even better on DVD. Nice job there.
THE ACTING - Top notch. As usual, with Thom and Jeff excelling in the "voices" section. But then, Brooklyn and Lex were already my faves to begin with. *shrugs* Maybe for the next DVD set we could get "The Trio" involved in the commentary? :) *crosses fingers*
THE FEATUES - Great touch on the episode introductions, Greg. They were very cool and to the point in terns of each individual episode plot. The Cast and Crew featurette were very nice, and it was really cool seeing the VAs talk about their experiences doing the series, (Gotta feel sorry for Thom, though, since he doesn't know much about computers. :P) and I loved every second of it. I personally would've liked to have seen Laura San Giacomo, Jonathan Frakes, Brent Spiner, Keith David, and Salli Richardson give their two cents, but that's just me. We can't have everything, after all. Though we damn near do with this spectacular set. :) Thanks for making these DVDs possible.
Sorry for the short short review, Greg, but I'm having a really busy day today, (and lately) and I only had a few minutes to write this review up. Hope you enjoy it.
See you at G2006.
King Cobra3
Unfortunately, the two-day session to shoot the extras and record the commentary was scheduled on very short notice, and neither Frank, Salli, Keith, Marina nor Jonathan were available. I'm not sure they were even in town.
But at least we got Keith on the Season One DVD, and nearly everyone else on Season Two, Volume One.