A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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These questions are about comics/comic related material:
1. Have you watched the following Marvel Films? If yes, what were your thoughts on them?
1a. X-Men 2
1b. Daredevil
1c. Hulk
1d. Fantastic Four
1e. Batman Begins
1f. Daredevil The Director's Cut (The novelization is closer to this version, than the theatrical)
1g. Not a Marvel Movie, but "Justice League Starcrossed The Movie"
2. What were your thoughts on Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends. Frank Welker did quite a bit of voicing for this one (Bobby Drake/Iceman, Flash Thompson, Ms. Lions and Matt Murdock).
3. I believe a copy of your resume mention you doing work on the Spider-Man Animated Series from Sony for MTV.
3a. What episodes if any did you help with?
3b. Any opinions on the series as a whole?
4. Did you get a copy of "The Batman VS Dracula"?
5. Last question. Did you think the DC Comics Universe was better with or without the Multiverse? I prefered the multiple earths. I recently picked up the Trade Paperback "Crisis On Multiple Earths The Team Ups", which made it possible to finally read Flash #123 (Flash Of Two Worlds).
Geez, this could take me hours to answer...
1a. Saw it, and generally liked it. My main complaint on all three X-Men movies is the casting of Scott Summers. He's blown off the screen by Wolverine, and thus in X-2 is relegated to a very minor role, and in X-3 is unceremoniously killed off (for no good reason).
1b. Saw it on an airplane, and I'll admit I'm less picky on airplanes. Not a great movie. Was a bit disappointed in Kingpin. That guy so looks the part, but he seemed feeble to me.
1c. Haven't seen it. Would like to, actually. I'm curious.
1d. Ugh. AWFUL. Honestly, I've seen both the new version and the old version that was never released. Both are equally awful. Production values may have been better on this one, but the story is atrocious. The characterizations pathetic. And would it have killed them to make Johnny Storm blond? I mean Jessica Alba died HER hair. Also, Reed is horribly miscast. So is Doom for that matter.
1e. I've talked about this one elsewhere. I'll admit it's the best Batman movie to date, but I'll point out that that's not saying much. I found much to like. Much that raised the bar. But ultimately a movie that did not make it over the bar it raised. (Still, better to try and fail then not try.) The ending for me was particularly disappointing and non-sensical.
1f. Not sure what you're talking about here. But I guess I haven't seen it.
1g. Never heard of it.
2. I doubt I saw more than an episode or two and it was ages ago. I don't remember caring for it much -- Frank's work aside -- but then I wasn't exactly the target audience either.
3. I did briefly, but nothing I did ever made it on the air. My story editor on that show was let go, and the new story editor wasn't interested in pursuing anything with me.
3a. None. See above. I wrote one outline. But I'm not sure anyone ever read it, because my story editor was fired the same day I turned in my outline.
3b. I've never seen more than a couple of clips. No opinion.
4. Nope.
5. I preferred multiple earths. I think they made a classic error at the time. They would have been better off RENUMBERING their Earths. With what was then known as Earth 2 changing to Earth 1. The then current Earth 1 changing to Earth 2 and then SIMULTANEOUSLY launching Earth 3 in the eighties. The idea being that the "Heroic Age" begins anew on a new world every twenty years. That way they don't have to rewrite existing continuity, but they can still start fresh, i.e. have their cake and eat it too. And they'd still be able to do the occasional cross-over. (If you're stingy with this, it's really not that complicated.) They'd have two lines, but what's wrong with that? In essence, it seems to me, that's what Marvel did with Ultimates. The side benefit is that it also allows your characters to age naturally. It bugs me when characters can't grow. That's why Gargoyles is fixed in more-or-less real time.