A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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1) Why weren't you allowed to use the Scarecrow in the new animated Batman series?
2) In regards to the Batman cartoon were the plethora of mechanical gadgets such as the jet pack, batman exosuit and the anti-freeze suit for the specific purpose of marketing batman toys towards younger viewers?
3) What did you think of the Batman Begins movie by Goyer and Nolan? Did you think it succeeded in translating and telling the origin story onto the screen?
1. I gather because of the character's participation in Batman Begins.
2. Largely. We tried to make it work.
3. I've answered this before. I think the movie raised the bar on Batman movies and then didn't quite make it over that bar. The end falls apart for me. (I have other additional minor issues, but they're more nitpicky.) Though it's the best Batman movie ever made, I don't necessarily think that's saying much.