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Hello again,
I was rewatching 'Lighthouses in the Sea of Time' and noticed that down in the dig-site the archaeologists (Lydia and Arthur, right?) passed a harp that seemed to play music and shine at their passing. Later I noticed that on the seal of the Scrolls of Merlin there was a symbol that seemed to be in the shape of this harp. So...
1. Was the harp pictured on the seal, or was it just a fluke?
2. What *was* this harp?
3. Who put the harp down there in the cavern?
4. Did this harp belong to Merlin?
Thanks you for any reply. I'm really enjoying rewatching all these episodes on DVD (episodes aired in New Zealand with several scenes cut to fit them into a smaller time period, so it's been great seeing all the extra snippets!)
1. Been a while since I've seen the episode myself, but if you're describing it correctly, it was clearly not a fluke.
2. More of a lyre actually, as I recall.
3. Merlin.
4. Yes.