A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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(given that you will probably read this in 2-3 years)
wow Greg, I an loving the comic series and the way the story has progressed since Hunter's Moon. My favorite is issue #18, and I cannot wait to see which direction you take the series in next!
Since the comic is going so well, if Disney decided to bring back the cartoon now, what would you do with the comic? where would you start the cartoon from?
thanks Greg and keep up the great work
Hah! Took me less than a year!! Hah!!
Sigh... well, hopefully you have issues #1-2. #3 should be out next month.
Your hypothetical question has been asked many, many times over the years, but it's just become pointless to answer it. Decisions aren't made in a vacuum, so I'd have to wait and see what the situation is, if or when it actually happens.