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WOLFBANE writes...

ok have u written any fanfics?(cause im a bit confused in the matter) and if so what are the titles of them and were can i find them?(i have never really found a fanfic i hear people talk about) r u planing to use any fanfics u wrote 4 episodes in future gargoyles seasons(if that ever happens. hopefuly it will) or will u consiter ever useing fanfics from other fans (if u think it will work well in the series that is)?
heart WOLFBANE^_^

Greg responds...

I guess I have written a couple of fanfics...

You can find one here: http://www.angelfire.com/rings/katsaris/brothers.htm

And the other here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=497

These are both Dark Ages pieces, and I'd incorporate them if and when the time came. Maybe in the comic book. Or rather definitely in the comic book eventually, given enough issues.

Response recorded on January 16, 2007