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Battle Beast writes...


We all know that Golaith isn't stupid. But he is a bit naive (Sp?). So, after he awoke in 1994, we know he frequented the library to read. Now, I know he read stories, but did he study? We saw him reading up on wearwolves (Eye of the beholder), but did he read up on the middle ages? Did he study American (and even world) history?

When Goliath an Co. navigated the globe, Goliath seemed to not know much about each place they visitied, and Elisa knew more (or so it seemed to me, at least).

My question is really this: How much did Goliath study up on the world? Did he read history books, and the like?

Was he like Brooklyn and the trio who wanted to learn as much as they could, or did he take the new world in slowly?


P.S. Love your episode mini rambles on the DVD.

Greg responds...

I'd say he read a lot -- when he had time. But there wasn't always a lot of time and there is SO MUCH TO KNOW!

Response recorded on January 16, 2007