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Charisma82 writes...

Hello again. It's been about 2 years since I've asked a question or written a comment on this web site. That doesn't mean I've never been back here though. On the contrary, I come here about every day (around 1:00 in the morning, after all my college work is done). So don't think I've given up looking for my question to be answered.
Anyway, the main reason for me to write this time is that the gathering of the gargoyles is taking place this weekend, and I wanted to put in my input.

Gathering of the Gargoyles is all I've heard about for months. As it draws closer, I get more and more excited. Unfortunatly for me, I can not make it. I have never been to a gathering before and it is driving me crazy! I'd love to go, but there's the whole problem of me not knowing how to get anywhere outside of my home (I am directionally challenged) as my family can vouge for. I also can't get anyone to go with me. I think if I did have someone to go with, it would make the whole traveling thing a lot easier. But enough of my blabbering on not getting to go. This is supposed to be a journal of what is going on while the gathering is in progress.

In case you're wondering why the heck I'm writing a journal when I am not going to be at the gathering, well wonder no more. I read another journal some months ago, and it was about what that person did while the gathering was happening 'cause they couldn't go either. You said in response that you liked that idea and that you wanted more journals on people who are not attending the gathering, so here it goes.

Didn't do much. Just had a summer class at a local college. Isn't that fun? Class instead of going to the gathering. It's okay. Only english. It's the best subject there is. I did a lot of day dreaming driving to and from class. It's not good to look up and realize you've spaced out on 20 minutes of driving. I've been thinking of ways I could get to the gathering. There's always the possibility of driving, but that's when I remember I have no idea how to get there. It's about 8 hours away and I could get really lost in only a few minutes, let alone 8 hours. My stomach is in knots over this though. I hear next year the gathering is going to be in Tenessee and there's no way I can get there by driving. I'd have to fly. Coming online tonight, I've just read your comments on the gathering starting tomorrow and I'm all psyched again. All these new people that will show up, and not even people from gargoyles. Didn't you say WITCH people will be there also? That show's great too. When I heard you were going to be working on the show, it was automatically put on my TIVO list. Ahh... to be at the gathering... I've been a fan of gargoyles since I was seven when it came out. My sister and I played gargoyles ALL the time. It was the number one game in our house. We made up clans and figured out how we'd all stand and pose for when the sun would come up. My sister's favorite line would be to argue with me and before I could argue back she would 'turn to stone'. Then my quick come back would be "what are you doing? It's not sunrise yet!" I'm laughing at this as I remember. Anyways, after I'm done writing this, I'll probably crawl into bed, cause it is about 1:30 am and sleep is important to me (sometimes). I'll have another post for tomorrow and how things are looking here from a non-gathering perspective of the weekend.

Oh, and before I sign off, I just wanted to say that I've already bought my copy of the comic book gargoyles on Amazon.com. I can't wait for it to come in the mail. I really hope that the comic continues on, and hopefully, more of your spin offs will be introduced in some way (whether it be the comics, or comics of their own). Ultimatly, the greatest hope is for gargoyles to come back to the television. Disney lost something great, and they just don't know it yet.

Thanx for your time, consideration, and your talent for a great show.


Greg responds...

Thanks for your attention...

I hope you do make the effort to attend a Gathering one of these days. I'm sure we can find someone to send you very explicit directions...

Response recorded on January 18, 2007