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Hey Greg,
In midst of all the Gathering and comic book excitement, I have a question about WITCH. The second season is just getting started, and I'm enjoying it so far. I appreciate that there aren't any huge jolting differences between seasons one and two, and that leads into my question.
I don't know anything about your predecessor on the first season, or why you were brought in to replace him or her for the second season. I'm curious about how you went about taking over an existing property like this and making it "your own" without alienating those who were involved with or were fans of the first season. And how did your experience with Gargoyles vs. The Goliath Chronicles affect the way you approached this task?
You've experienced this situation from both sides now, and I'm looking forward to (someday) reading your reflections on it.
The first thing is RESPECT. I try to respect the work of those who come before me. The WITCH comics and the previous episodes.
The second thing is MARCHING ORDERS... what do my bosses want me to do. In this case, I was told (in so many words) that the first 26 episodes are canon for the second season. The comics are NOT canon, but there was a definite desire to bring the series closer to (at the very least) the spirit of the comic books and to the stories and characters told there.
The third thing is DETAILED RESEARCH w/lots of NOTE-TAKING... Read all the comics that were available to me at the time (in English). Watch all the episodes. Take loads of notes. Look for hooks in those stories. EMERSION.
The fourth thing is ESSENCE. I try to find the essence of what the series is about, who the characters are, etc. That's what I need to respect the most.
The final thing is WEAVING the tapestry, taking all of the above into account. This is actually the fun part of the job for me. All these characters, all with agendas of their own. All these stories to tell. WITCH season two is over now -- and it doesn't look like there will be a season three -- but when I finished, I easily had enough stories to keep it going for years.