A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Excuse me Mr. Weisman,
I want to be a comic book writer after my upcoming four years in college and a dream I want to hopefully make a reality is work for Creature Comics because I love your series, I love what it says on the creature comics site in the section"what does creature comics do?"
because that's exactly what I want to do when I become a comic book writer.
please sir tell me what I should do so if I were to show you my material some day, that I seem like a chance and not crash and burn.
At the moment, CreatureComics.Com is less of a company than a partnership. Me and Marty and Greg. There are no jobs to be had. Although we have grand schemes of doing more work, at the moment the only CCC project is the Gargoyles comic book, and for better or worse, I do ALL the writing on that.
So CCC is NOT where you should be looking to break in. And for legal reasons, I won't even look at your stuff. That's not personal, it's policy.
But you could try breaking into the business the way I did, which was by sending a letter (or submission) to DC Comics (or Marvel or whatever company is putting out stuff). You could try to find an artist to partner with and self-publish to get some attention. Go to comic book conventions and talk to pros and especially publishers and editors.
Good luck.