A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hey Greg!
First off just let me say that I'm very excited about the new comic and can't wait for the next issue. Hopefully you remember me from gatherings past, there arn't very many heavy metal gargoyles in the fandom. You may still have my album as well! I'm doing my best to spread the word about it as well. I only have one question, The story "night watch" is suppost to pick up where the show left off. At the risk of revealing how out of the loop I am, where exactly is that point? Perhaps I need to look back at season three or something.
please contact me at: Kineticguitarist2005@yahoo I'd love to show you my band sometime!
Thank you once again
Slash T.
Nightwatch picks up where SEASON TWO left off, i.e. at the end of Hunter's Moon. We're not counting the Goliath Chronicles. Not even my episode "The Journey" as the first two issues of the comic readapt that story.
And of course, I remember you Slash. Haven't seen you in years though. We'll you be at G2007?