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Hey Greg,
A brief con-journal. First off, I forgot the con was this weekend. I was bored Saturday night and I dropped into Ask Greg, and quickly realized that the Gathering was in progress. Fortunately I was doing absolutely nothing on Sunday. So I printed out directions and some quick info and woke up early the next morning to trek up to Valencia (I live and work in LA so it wasn't that much of a trek.)
I got there just before 10 am, and I was poking around the hotel looking for the registration desk. While wandering, slightly lost, I look up at a man walking down the hall and instantly recognize you- Greg! I didn't say anything, figured you were a) in a hurry and b) plenty swarmed by fans already. My passing thought was "Definitely in the right place!" Found the registration table, and high-tailed it back to Ballroom D for the Comic panel. Got there in time to see a few pieces of art on the TV screen, before the grand wall-panel-redistribution! Will wonders never cease? All the panelists' stories and thoughts on the comic and the comic book industry were great.
That ended and I stepped out to grab some food, came back for the Voice Acting Panel. Morgan and Keith were definitely jockeying the whole time for best anecdote. However, I think best story has to go to Brigitte for her recounting of the tale of her worst moment in showbiz; shooting a bathtub scene and having to "lubricate her own snake." I even managed to not only get question in, but it ended up being the last question! I really appreciated the insight from both Morgan and Brigitte on voice direction. The follow up question would have been how one builds up to a career as a voice director, but I guess that's incentive to make the pilgrimage to Tennessee next year.
Came back once again to ballroom D for the production process panel, and boy if I thought the first two panels of the day were something, well this was the cherry on the Sunday! First off I didn't realize Frank Paur was going to be there, so that was just awesome! I know you were next-door for the W.I.T.C.H. reunion, but that production panel was truly great. Frank, Paca, Marc and the others lead a great discussion on not only the state of animation back during the time of "Gargoyles," but also on the current world you guys are working in, and even gave some speculation on where new technologies are going to take animation as the tools and processes become more refined.
All in all I had a great time, and if I wasn't working Monday I would have loved to hear your discussion of time travel. Ah well, maybe you'll put out a pamphlet or something. Anywho- Thanks for all your hard work and for sharing the fruit of your fertile imagination with the rest of us. Also please pass on my thanks, and kudos to the Gathering organizing committee and staff, I appreciated all their hard work and effort. Oh and thanks to the guests too for carving the time out of their schedules to make an appearance. (hmm...guess that wasn't as brief as I'd thought.)
Thanks for coming, Gabriel. One of the only things that is disappointing to me about the Gatherings, is that I can only be in one place at any one time. I'd have loved to have been a part of the production panel too. But we also had a great time over with W.I.T.C.H. Huge turnout of writers and voice actors. I'm glad both panels were fun.