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Saturday, June 24th, 2006
9:00 AM
I woke up and upon looking in the mirror, decided I needed a shave. When I emerged, David poked fun of me hogging the bathroom. We caught the last hour of Star Wars Episode III on HBO, and, as a result, we were a little late for the con. Oops.
12:00 PM
We arrived at the Hyatt just in time for the "Gargoyles: Physiology, Psychology, and Society" panel, though I'd actually thought I'd had a little more time to browse the Art Show Room, but I was wrong. Thank god I allowed David to take me to the panel first. Every seat was packed, and there were even a few people leaning against walls/sitting on the floor. Very fun stuff at this panel. I was intrigued throughout. Also, this being my first con, there were people (both fans and guests) I decided I wanted to keep in touch with. Christine Morgan gave me her business card after the panel. She was a very nice person, and I was glad to have met her in person.
Greg W., as he did in the Villians panel, came and stayed for a little bit before leaving for panels unknown. The last question he'd answered before he left was from David in regards to Stone Sleep and Sunrise, in a very articulate manner, but, unfortunately, it was also too lengthy, and Greg had to cut him off ("Way over my head") and then gave an equally intelligent response that David seemed to be satisfied with. From there, the topics swayed from everything from Gargoyles catching transmittable diseases to Hudson's bad eye, to, in the last 5 minutes, clan mating habits. This was definitely up there on my list of Informative Panels.
1:00 PM
Settled down in the Dealer's Room for Mug-A-Guest with Thom Adcox. I've been a fan of his for a few years now, so it was a treat to sit down at a table with him for an entire hour. Darklord started things out by asking if he was the character model for Lex, to which Thom said no. There was a discussion of his various radio commercials and TV work. I'd never thought that he was so close to being the voice for Bobby from "King Of The Hill" though I had heard of his Pauly Shore replacement for A Goofy Movie. Thom really liked working with Bette Midler, dispelling rumors that "she was a bitch" and "bitchy", though he did refer to Spielberg (they'd worked together on Invasion America) as a dick. Same for Tony Jay. *snickers* When he was filming something in Utah (I want to say it was "My Life As A Teenage Babysitter" but I don't remember now if that's right), there was this bar that apprently required people to have meberships there or NO SERVICE. Wow. I'd made mention of how much of a film geek I was, and Thom seemed impressed by my movie knowledge.
I asked Thom what his first acting gig was, and he said it was as Tom Sawyer, back in a play in 6th grade. During the conversation, my Zombie movie "Wormwood" came up, and I offered to bring Thom a copy (and probably a copy of the upcoming sequel) at next year's con. Thom said "sure" and offered me this demo tape he'd had of his various roles over the years. Wicked cool. David thought it was just a loan, but I wasn't entirely sure at the time.
Darklord brought up the Thom being gay thing again, and Thom pretty much confirmed it, which I'd pretty much already known. I hadn't known about Cam Clarke, though. Go figure. And, no, I had no problems with it, being bi and all.
I was going to wait until tomorrow to get Thom's autograph, but then he'd started giving other people his signature, so I figured why not, and get in on it. Cool. Right after that, David and I left for the next panel.
2:00 PM
David and I, unknowingly, walked in on the last 2 minutes of the Development Process. Oops. We took our seats once the Writing Process began, enjoying what we could in-between the lights going out every few minutes. LOL.
Greg W. introduced Brynne Chandler, Michael Reaves, himself, and another show writer whose name currently escapes me. There was talk about the "Silly MachBeth" 2-parter (which I personally thought sounded like it would've been fun to see.), and the "4 Tricksters" ep, (which would've featured Puck, Anansi, Coyote the Trickster, and Raven) both of which had been abandoned. Crud.
The Would-Have-Been DTVs (which eventually became the "City Of Stone" 4-parter and the "Hunter's Moon" 3-parter) were also discussed. Asked Greg W., once the panel ended, if I could get a picture with him. He said "later" and left. I have a really lousy sense of timing, though David (the sneak) took one of Greg (with his back turned) and I anyway, effectively surprising the crap out of me. I considered trying again later, at a better time.
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
The Darkwing Duck panel was enjoyable. Tad Stones and Jim Cummings were absolutely entertaining, with Jim going into "Darkwing mode" and "Negaduck Mode" and Tad sharing amusing ancedotes with all of us, as well as their thoughts and experiences in creating the series. They were obviously having a lot of fun, and David and I (and the rest of the attendees, I'm sure) did as well. Big plus. :-)
And, of course, Darklord was there, asking more then his fair share of questions. *grins*
Not to mention Jim's autograph after it was done. I'm just a sucker for autographs, I guess.
5:00 PM
The Radio Play. Fun. Fun. Fun.
It was a reading of a script for "The Mirror", narrated by Greg W. Series regulars Keith and Thom (reprising their roles) were joined by several newcomers, including Crispin Freeman as "Hudson" and a delightfully evil Jennifer "CrzyDemona" Anderson as "Demona". Whoever was playing "Broadway" (his name eluded me and still does) did a fairly decent Fagerbakke. Great times.
The room was really crowded, but once I eventually reached him, Keith David agreed to Autograph and a Picture with me, but we ended up having TWO pictures taken, one by David, and one by someone else who had just offered, out of the blue. There was another autograph (on the comic) and another pic with Thom before David and I left for dinner at a Jack In The Box. He had a shake, and I had a giant Cheeseburger.
Oh, and I'd bid on the "Gummi Bears Trio" in the Art Show, too.
6:30 - 10:00 PM
There wasn't much to do at the moment, so a bunch of us played Munchkin. Fun game at first, but got boring fairly quickly.
10:00 - 11:00 PM
Finally, the Blue Mug-A-Guest. Another program that I almost thoroughly enjoyed. Someone had asked Greg W. "Is it true you're a werewolf?" and Greg responded "No, I'm a robot," effectively cracking me up. LOL. Thom was asked by Christine Morgan that, to quote, "throwing plausibility out the window, who he would see Lex getting naked and sweaty with." His answer? "He's a horny little fucker. He'd have sex with anything moving." ROFL.
Thom and Crispin's "Half-Nelson" act also made me laugh so hard I was crying.
There weren't too many adult-themed questions (Too Bad) but Hotel Officials still had to break the party up after repeated warnings of excess noise, and we couldn't finish it in the hall outside the 1st floor Ballrooms, so Greg W. announced that we would reconvene at the Masquerade the following night.
David wanted to leave so he could sleep after that, even though I'd wanted to hang out at the restaurant/bar with some of the guests for a while first. David won out, though, so we said our goodbyes for the night, and everyone who was there waved at us as we left for our own hotel.
It was intriguing hearing Keith David sing at the Blue Mug-A-Guest, though. I can see why he's a nightclub singer. :-)
Sunday, June 25th, 2006
9:00 - 9:50 AM
We woke up, showered, dressed, watched some "Madagascar" on HBO, and left.
10:00 - 11:30 AM
David and I registered for G2007! Very cool that it's gonna be in Pigeon Forge, cause we can simply drive down and not have to pay for Plane Tickets (I'm not used to flying) or Car Rentals (expensive), and the Grand Hotel is affordable. Off-topic, I bought more Gargoyle goodies from the Dealer's Room: A fan CD from the 1999 con ($5), and a Flikbook from 2001 (also $5).
12:00 - 2:00 PM
We started out the day in the Voice Acting Panel, which consisted of (from left to right) Greg Weisman, Elisa Gabrielli, Brigette Bako, Morgan Shepperd, plus (once they'd arrived) Keith and Thom. Thom's "Snap" story was funny, and Morgan Shepperd was a dedicated, fascinating speaker.
Got autographs from all of them afterwards too. I was just planning on getting Brigette's, Elisa's, and Morgan's, (since I'd already had autos from Greg and Thom), but I didn't want to run the risk of alienating them, so when I got closer to their end of the table, I decided "Heck with it", and bit the bullet. David wanted me to stand behind them both for a picture, but it took me a few seconds to stand right where he wanted me.
Also got a picture of Brigette and I. David took extra pictures when I was in line for autos too.
2:00 - 3:00 PM
The Production Process was decent, but nothing to write home about.We stayed for most of it before leaving for...
3:00 - 4:00 PM
The Writing Erotic Stories panel! It was fun. Christine made mention of some of her fan fics (which I made a mental note to read more of as soon as I got a chance), and I got to plug a adult-oriented-erotic-comedy-fanfic-trilogy I'd written a while back. Afterwards, David stayed for the Drawing Erotic Stories Panel...
4:00 PM
... while I checked out the Gathering Auction. There was only one item I'd spotted as soon as I entered that I wanted.
The Milton Bradley Gargoyles Board Game. So help me god, I love games almost as much as I love movies. And Gargoyles, of course.
It started off at a $2 bid.
I took it all the way up to $15.
Nobody outbid me for it after that.
I was a very happy camper.
I love my life. *smiles*
5:30 PM
Hung around the Art Show. Saw a lot that I liked. Kathara's entries and Bri-Chan's Timedancer pieces were all exquisite. Too bad I couldn't afford them. Especially Bri-chan's. Greg W. showed up, and I half-jokingly asked about Lex's mate, knowing that he would refuse to give anything away, which, in essence, he did. I actually had the fleeting thought of offering Greg $100 to tell me, but dismissed the notion almost immediately. A) It would've been stupid and made me look pathetic, B) It would've been ridiculous, and there's no chance Greg would've caved, and C) I didn't have $100 anyways. I can wait until it shows up in the comic or some other medium. Greg believes in drawn-out process, and so do I. No rush.
So far, nobody had outbid me for the Gummi Trio. Nice.
6:00 - 8:30 PM
Didn't have any money for the Banquet and nothing on the menu had looked edible to David or I anyhow, so we joined some other guests for the "6th Annual Anti-Banquet" (sorry the name sounds insulting, but I didn't make it, obviously.) in A Fan's room, complete with Gargs DVDs and Pizza. Still, though, I found myself almost wishing I could've gone to the Banquet. I walked by a couple times, and it looked... nice... in there. Maybe next year.
8:30 PM
The Masquerade began and all of the costumes were impressive. Pucks and Foxs. Princess Katherines and A Lexington. Even an "Inuyasha 1 and a half". Kudos to you, Jade Griffin. What really amazed me was Lance as "Set". I really liked the costume. Lance, who won Best In Show, as I'd expected, did a really great job.
Thom and Tony won "Best Couple" award.
9:30 (I think) PM - 12 AM
We finished the Blue Mug-A-Guest after The Masquerade, just as Greg said. It wasn't quite as raunchy as I'd hoped (Dang, I wish I'd gone to the very first Blue Mug. THAT must've been fun!) but it was still enjoyable. Especially when Crispin showed up. Poor Thom. :P
I'd asked Greg about whether Cyborg Lex (from Future Tense) would ever happen, and, as I should've foreseen, Greg wouldn't answer except for "Not saying." I should've expected as much.
David and I left at midnight. We were exhausted from the day's events. I was mildly annoyed that the following day was the last day. *sighs* Time flies when you're having fun.
So did you ever get that picture with me? I'm feeling guilty now for not making the time.