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G2006 Con Journal - Thursday - THE PRE CON! (1 of 4)
If anyone knows me, I'm notorious for not writing these. I _ALWAYS_ leave out juicy bits (that I end up remembering later), and then after around Friday I forget all of Saturday and Sunday.
I just live in the moment sort of thing when it comes to the Gathering Convention. (Or I'm on staff and still suffering from shock / giddiness, who knows)
However, I was specifically told by Gorebash I *HAD* to write my con journal this year, or he come would find me. So..Tada!
So Thursday started with me literally doing Gathering Staff related stuff AT THE LAST MINUTE on my computer. So last minute, my husband was the one who packed my bags. (He did a pretty good job, save for no elegant outfit to wear to the banquet. Ahh well.) I literally threw my stuff in the car, and ran out the door. This included forgetting my gathering panel presentation material. "Hey, I don't really need that information on the 7 observances of the Bushido way right?"
My plane ride wasn't anything extraordinary. I don't tend to talk to people seated next to me on the plan. (I worry I come off as a bit weird.) I was wearing a Danny Phantom shirt, jeans, and my normal floppy hat AND carrying gargoyles mat full of autographs...so actually, I DID look pretty weird.
On my second flight I met some cool girls, one was from the navy, and one had a father in the army and was actually in LA for the BET awards. (The navy girl had done bodyguard work for a famous basketball player, I forget who now). So we chatted for a bit about missed flights, the war, the military, moving around to pass the time.
I arrived in LA around 4pm....and grabbed a shuttle...and didn't arrive in Valencia until almost 7. My driver was cool, and I gave him a tip because it was only little old me he was driving WAY OUT TO VALENCIA in absolutely horrid traffic.
Our hotel was NICE. I was extremely impressed (I hadn't really seen pictures of it.) And the location was stellar. However, I didn't see ANY Gargoyle people there. Soo... I began calling people. Karine (Kanthara): Nothing. Jennifer (CrzyD): Nothing. Patrick Toman (Puck): Nothing.
At this point I kind of asked aloud. "What's the point in having everyone's cell phone numbers if no one has their phone ON!?" O.o
Jennifer called me back really quickly (or called me from Patrick's phone, I don't remember) and told me where they were. At the same time, a huge group of fans including Aaron, Mara, Spacebabie, Revel, Lynati, Arno, Beedoo, (and more people who I can REMEMBER your faces clearly but blanking on names!)
So, I was shown where BJs was and everyone hanging. I said Hi to all my fellow con staff and then Greg Weisman of course. I hadn't seen Karine since my wedding (she was my matron of honor) so it was GREAT to see her and everyone else!
Finally after a wait, we all were eventually seated. Most of the staff (who had been waiting their longer) sat first. I waited with Greg W for the next seats. All the while I was laughing at Greg staring wistfully at the food and making comments.
Props to BJs though, they seated 35 people!!! That's a LOT. I think the pre-gathering dinners really should only be staff and close company...personally... (Just do to the sheer ZOMG numbers), but I'm *REALLY* happy we could pull off inviting everyone this year.
So, we ate, and talked. I sat next to Greg and talked to him about what he was working on (including W.I.T.C.H.). I asked him about Vinnie, and about Castaway's Mustache. (They were just some random burning questions that went through my mind that I wanted to ask Greg about.) Greg Bishansky and I joked about drinking later on at the con. (I just had soda that night). Liz (Sara Berkley) was pouring over the drink menu, so much Greg W eventually took it away from her and hid it. He he.
Meanwhile, the 'staff' table was having its own game. (I swear, the G2006 staff is made up of the school kids who were always passing notes and whispering and causing havoc. Hehehe.) They started passing notes and drawings, which eventually got to our table. At one point, I retaliated, with one of my juicy little secrets from a previous convention which caused everyone to laugh.
I had this MEGA barbecue chicken salad. It was REALLY good. But I could barely finish it. Then Greg W asked if anyone wanted dessert. Most of the murmurs were 'no'. Greg made an expression like "b-b-but...dessert!", so I offered to get dessert with him. We ended up splitting an apple cobbler pie which was REALLY GOOD.
So, I had pie with Greg Weisman!! Go me!
After that, the staff pretty much headed straight up to the con suite and once again began the tradition of stuffing con envelopes, putting together badges, arranging t-shirts, that sort of thing. Patrick and I ran to Fedinkos (aka Kinkos), to grab the convention programmes and get some last minute things printed out. (Mainly the mug a guest sheets).
The Mug- A - Guest sheets came out BEAUTIFULLY. I loved them! Greg Weisman had requested them, because he wanted them pre-made this year. (They were the things I was working on last minute before running out the door). Greg really liked them too! So, that made me happy.
Yay, I can contribute to the con! Go me! ^_^
So Patrick and I brought con booklet's back, we had printed 350 in all. Stephanie Lostimolo (RaptorWoman), Cindy (Eden), Kythera, and myself went to work writing the con suite number in each and every book, while the others packed the programmes into the con packets. All in all, I think we got done by 11 or so. RECORD TIME! So, the staff chatted for a bit, but soon after everyone piled into bed. Yours truly, ended up on the couch in the con suite. (It was comfy though!)
You are such a sweetie! When no one else would make a pig of themselves with me, you were there! Thanks!