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Gathering 2006 Journal:
Thursday June 22:
The day started off at 6 am. Quickly ate, dressed and finished the last of the packing. My first stop was the gas station and then I was off to Raley's to get some soda that was on sale, along with ice for the cooler and some Tylenol. A little after 7:30, I was on the road again. Traffic was a little lighter than I was expecting and I managed to make pretty decent time. I made a few pits stops and filled up on gas in the town of Grapevine. One of the roommates called while I was tanking up. Figures.
The rest of the drive in (less than 60 miles) was uneventful. Found the hotel and pulled into the parking lot around back. I quickly discovered just how far it was to the lobby from there. Ran in Jade Griffin and then about 20 minutes later, one of the roommates, Kristen. After lugging some things to the room, ran into Eden and then got some lunch. After chatting for a bit, I realized what time it was. After throwing a few more things in the car, I took off for LAX to pick up Norcumi and Quindar. The trip took a while, but that was expected due to the traffic.
After getting back and them settled in, we ended up getting dragged along with Revel and several others to dinner. Ended up at BJs and didn't know until I got there that we were joining Greg Weisman's group. I ended up at his table, along with Siryn, Revel, Spacebabie, Kythera, Silver, and several others. After dinner, I ended up back at the hotel and played some "Go Fish" with Liz, despite the fact neither of us knew the rules of the game. I turned in some time before 11pm.
Friday June 23:
The morning started off with a minor headache, shower, pop tarts for breakfast and a trip to Borders for a sketchbook (I left the I bought last year at home and didn't realize it until I had arrived at the hotel). Finding out they weren't going to be open until 10am, I took a walk around the block and headed to back to my room for a bit. As 10 rolled around, I picked up a sketchbook (I hope this doesn't become a tradition), dropped it off at the room and then picked up my packet. The day was a blur for a bit and then I watched the registration desk for a bit. After a little while, Shing and I did lunch run to Johnny Rockets for ouselves, Patrick, Greg B. and Kythera.
While Eden ran off to do a panel, I kept an eye on the art show. After that was opening ceremonies, which I cut out of early with Liz, Taylor, and Shing to get some dinner at the place next to BJs (the name escapes me). Don't remember what happened after that, other than I finally ran into the other two roommates (Pearl and her husband) and somebody else in the room too. After some chatting, most us turned in around 10 pm or so.
Saturday June 24:
Woke up earlier than planned and attempts to go back to sleep didn't work. Fired up the laptop for a bit before showering, eating and making my way downstairs to help out at the registration desk. After the rush died down, I gave Cindy my sketchbook so she could finish up a sketch she started the day before (Mara did one the night before). At some point, Liz, Silver, Stephanie and Revel also drew in the sketchbook.
Some time after 2pm, Karin, Siryn, Lanny, G-Side and I went off to a salad place for lunch. Things were a blur for a bit before the radio play. It was "The Mirror" and my first time going since... the 2001 Gathering I believe. After it was over, Norcumi, Quindar and I went to Johnny Rockets for dinner. Chatted with the roommates for a while before watching "El Hazard" (which proved to be interesting while a few of them ran off to Blue Mug. After they returned, we talked for a while before turning in for the night.
Sunday June 25:
Once again, woke up a bit earlier than planned. After showering and eating, I fired up my laptop and played a game to kill some time. Went downstairs and helped Patrick setup and run the registration desk once again. Before we even finished, we had two people wanting to register for the day. Always a nice start. Y2Hecate joined us and started selling pre-reg for the 2007 Gathering in Pigeon Forge, TN. The three of us spent time talking and at one point, she did a sketch for me. Also, I got Liz to do another doodle as well. We ended up being a little busy for a while.
Around 2:30pm, I asked Aaron to pick me some lunch from Johnny Rockets while I watched the reg desk. At 3pm, Patrick and I went to the Brigitte Bako mug a guest. Also there was Leo, Norcumi, Quindar, Tigress and a couple others who names I didn't catch. The mug moved by rather quickly and I managed to get her to sign one of my cels with Angela.
After that, I took over the reg desk until 5pm. Helped clean it up and then dropped off things in my room before heading down for the banquet. It was originally supposed to be outside, but had been switched to inside. I sat at a table with Sarah The Great, Ckayote and I have no idea who else. We cheered when we learned that Thom would be sitting at our table. We chatted, dinned and listened to the guest Q & A session. Things broke up a little after 7pm so folks could get ready for the masquerade.
Just before the masquerade started, I ended up helping wrangle a few folks who entered and the judges. It seemed rather small this year, but the costumes were still impressive. I forgot who won what and the dance/ karaoke that was supposed to happen afterwards didn't last long.
Monday June 26:
Woke way earlier than intended thanks to somebody's cell phone going off. Tried to get back to sleep, but just couldn't seem to. After a while, I started packing things up and putting them in my car. At some point, breakfast was eaten. By about 9:30am, everybody was out of the room. I wandered downstairs and ran into Shing. I decided to join her while she went to get breakfast (I was just going to get a bottle of water). We then ran into Taylor, Liz and Karlyl and decided to join them in going to Denny's. And both cars got lost trying to find the place.
After getting back to the hotel, I ended up sitting in the art room with Cindy. After a while, we started tearing down the panels. Taylor and Shara helped out. The elbow joints and the some of the other joints proved stubborn to being pulled off. Patrick showed up and then we set about taping up the pipes for transport. About ten minutes later, we loaded all of the stuff into the van. By the time that was finished, it was just about time for closing ceremonies. I made two runs over to the other end of the hotel carrying stuff.
The art awards were given out and Kythera got best in show by one vote. I also had to fix part of my registration form for next year to let Y2Hecate know I'm willing to be a con bitch, eh, volunteer at the 2007 Gathering. It was sad to see a great weekend come to an end. I started saying goodbye to folks and wished I could have stayed one more night, but didn't have a room. The drive home took a little longer than the drive down, but was uneventful (thankfully).
Once again, I had a great time at the Gathering (even if I was a con bitch again). I hope to see a lot folks at the next Gathering.
It's always great to see you. I'm guessing that the term Con B**** aside, you actually enjoy volunteering, right? And that being able to call yourself a Con B**** is part of the appeal. ;)