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sorry for the delay between my pre-trip Gathering Journal and this one. There's certain things I wanted to wait for before writing the latter gathering journals.
Gathering Journal Day 1 - The Trip there - Friday
Originally, my stepmother was supposed to take me to the airport, but due to bad weather, my dad ended up taking me. I want to stop to say it's 11:09am Saturday morning when I'm writing this part of the journal. I got to Little Rock airport ~7:15am and was waiting on my flight and was very nervous. I had a 30 minute delay in take-off because of bad weather in Dallas. The flight was ok, I slept about 30 minutes during it. Dallas-Fort Worth airpot was big to me. Luckily, I was able to find my gate in time and eat lunch before takeoff. On the flight to LAX, I slept about two hours. Boy, is LAX airport big. The trip from LAX to the hotel took over an hour - mostly because of rush hour traffic - rush hour traffic at 2:30pm, what a concept. I don't get why people complain about traffic in LA - it's just the same as my local rush traffic traffic multiplied by a few more lanes. So I got to the hotel, signed in, saw Patrick & GXB, and promptly asked where A Fan was [A Fan was my roommate]. They told me the con suite (I forgot what room number that was) so I headed there. I handed A Fan my half of the room expenses in the form of a money order, he gave me a keycard, and somehow I misunderstood him and went to the wrong room number (occupied by another con-goer) and went back and got the right room number, and went to our room. There I unloaded by suitcase. [Random note: A Fan, what a name, sorta like a restaurant in my home town called 'A Place To Eat'.] I had about 90 minutes to kill before Opening Ceremonies were scheduled to start. They actually started an hour later and my back (*pauses writing the journal momentarily to go to the Gargoyles Physiology panel*) was sore for standing so long. (I should have set down sooner. [Now, it's 9:55 pm Saturday when I'm writing.] I enjoyed the Opening Ceremonies a bunch and it seemed like half the people present were con newbies like myself. I was shocked by the Bad Guys reel (in a positive way) and seeing that suddenly explained Lain and Gunjack's feeling towards that. Afterwards, I got lost trying to find my way to the mall food court [with me, it's a given that I will get lost on either the way there or the way back the 1st time I go anywhere.] I should have just followed Gside's (I think) group the way there and I would have saved time. I got back to the hotel room ~9:15pm that night and fell asleep for about 2 hours and awoke with A Fan in the room. We chatted for an hour or so about Gargoyles/Gargoyles Theories/Alternate Gargoyles universes. My pet universe was the one where a modified version of Vows occurred: Xanatos & company were not around to foil the Archmage's attempt to get the Phoenix Gate and a theory about how the gargoyles universe would have confisicated for that non-event. Then we hit the sack. Somehow, sometime during the day, I bought a gargoyles comic book for $3 (that being all the cash I had on me) and I really owe him something for that.
That's all for Friday.
Traveling across country with only $3 in cash. You ARE a thrill-seeker!