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When Owen is assissting Xanatos in his less-than-nice plots, does Owen's 'inner Puck' ever feel remorse for it? Does he have any ... I suppose I would call it 'moral disagreements' with what Xanatos does? Trickster or not, Puck doesn't strike me as the type that would get off on ruining people's lives. Can he feel guilt? Or are Oberon's Children above that sort of weakness?
I don't generalize about Oberon's Children, but I do think you may be giving Puck too much credit. He enjoyed (most) of the events of "The Mirror". He played his very cruel "Future Tense" trick on Goliath. He's a Trickster. I don't see him as being particularly benevolent. I just believe he's developed specific feelings of loyalty toward Xanatos, Alexander and (to a lesser extent) Fox.