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Sunday June 25
9:30 am I had Cinnabon for breakfast again. Hey, you can't beat a good cinnamon role. After I finished eating I went down into the dealers room to purchase two more Anthologies for my grandparents and my parents.
12:00 pm The Mythology in Anime panel. Crispin Freeman ran a beautiful panel. He explained some of the different faiths and beliefs and how they influenced anime and he played a video that described the mythological journey of the hero.
1 pm. After the panel I joined up with Ellen and Revel. Ellen wanted to meet with Jon Weisman before the W.I.T.C.H panel since she enjoyed Jon's baseball blog and we both were on a panel that ran against W.I.T.C.H. It was just our luck because Jon Weisman just walked up. He, Ellen, and Revel got into a discussion about a baseball and I got a chance to tell him I enjoyed his work on Roughnecks.
Took a break in the hallway with Revel and watched the line of people getting things signed. Kyt, Siryn and Gregx did an excellent job of keeping the line moving.
Gregx sat with us once the line waned and we got to hang out and talk. We were still talking when Steve Blum arrived. Gregx got his small fan boy moment and we all shook his hand before Gregx escorted Steve to the W.I.T.C.H panel.
3:00 Writing Erotic Fan fiction aka my last panel and the one that stood out in my mind the most. I broke the ice by mentioning the anime pr0n that broke my brain otherwise what "not" to write when writing a single erotic scene. I would explain more about the panel but "Ask Greg" is PG-13. Moving on.
4:00 I stayed for the drawing erotic scenes and watched Mara, Y2Hecate and Kyt draw naked people and gargoyles. Kyt put those little pawn shape pieces to "Interesting" use on the dry erase board. Revel and I stayed until it was about an hour till banquet.
For every Gathering I have attended I always went to the banquet, but I never dressed up for it. This year was the first time I got pretty. I was never a big fan of dresses but I love my pretty blue dress. I wore it along withy my titanic necklace and matching earrings I put up my hair and added a flower hair accessory. I even put on a little body shimmer.
6:00 Revel and I had already planned to sit together with Gside at a table. Kirsten, Adam, Jonathon, Tony and Andrea Zurcconi who both dressed up joined us. Tony looked stunning in his suit and Andrea's dress was gorgeous. I loved the collar and choker. Our Guest was Patrick Archibald.
The food was pretty good. I loaded up my plate with tomatoes and onions, marinated olives, steamed asparagus, potatoes, bread and chicken. While eating we talked with Patrick about his work, what he was working on and how to promote both the DVDs and comic.
After we had finished eating, it was time for Q&A. Our guests introduced themselves, explained their latest projects and answered several questions before it was time to prepare for the masquerade.
The idea for Revel's and my costumes were pretty much a last minute idea. I wanted to do something with Revel. Tony's and Andrea's costumes from 04 were an inspiration, instead of being and evil Elisa I dressed up, as Elisa as Salli and Revel was Thomas Brod. I can't remember the last time someone was Brod with or without Salli.
9:00 pm. We waited outside the entrance to the ballroom, very careful to stay out of the way of hotel staff carrying out cake. There were several adorable kids' costumes this year. Benny looked like a Jawa gargoyle and Erin was beautiful. Becca was a young Hyena, Fox was Lexington, Abby was a young princess Kathryn and Fusion Demon was a gypsy fae. The adult costumes were also amazing. We had a Goliath, a Puck, a Gene Simmons Garg, Onyx garg, Pearl garg, a vampire lady, Tony as a gargoyle hatchling using the cut up pieces of a Chernebog child's costume, a crossover costume of Inuysasha 1/2 and the Egyptian fae, Set who's large Ankh was really two scimitars held together. While waiting several of the wedding guests ran up to us and wanted to take pictures, an elderly lady told Tony he was cute.
We totally adlibbed our lines. Revel broke out into his fake Eastern Euro accent and I responded with the first thing in my head. Music was playing the first time and we had to do it again and we pretty much remembered what we said.
There were the usual categories for every year: Adult and Kid version of canon and fandom, cutest couple, Gorelisa and Tom Adcox memorial award. This year we had a bonus category of a half award for Jade Griffin's Inuyasha ½ costume. Revel and I won 2nd place for cutest couple. It was two badges linked together that said "ZOMG cutest couple" with little hearts.
We danced and mingled some more until Greg W gathered us around for Blue Mug A Guest round 2. This time Michael Reeves joined Greg and Thom. Crispin had to leave and he gave Thom a parting kiss.
The second Blue went by in a blur but I remembered Greg W mention how the Ask Greg questions will be cleaned up and Greg W was impressed by Revel's panting of Thailog. The goatee idea developed between Revel and Greg X. I'm so proud of my Revel. I'm even more proud of that than the pr0n.
I really do like that goatee.