A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I'm not very good at remembering details, so this will be kind of short. I'm also formal when it comes to people I've just met, so I use Mr. a lot. I hope I did this right! ^_^
June 23, 2006
Jurgan and I went to the Gathering together. It was our first big vacation. We arrived at the Hyatt hotel around 12 pm. I picked up my badge and decided to hang around the dealer's room until the hotel got our room ready. Then, Jurgan and I checked in and looked over the schedule. By the time we were done with everything, it was time for the opening ceremonies. This was my first time ever coming to the Gathering, and it looked like a lot of other people were new, too. This was also the first time I'd ever seen Greg Weisman. We watched the music videos and the making of Gargoyles. It was very interesting. After the opening, Jurgan and I went back up to our rooms to decide where to go to dinner. On the way back downstairs, Mr. Weisman shared an elevator with us. We introduced ourselves and talked while waiting to get to the 1st floor. We went to dinner and then to bed.
June 24, 2006
I started off my day by getting up early and going to the dealer's room. I absolutely love going to the dealers' room and the art room because I always have to buy things when I go someplace new. I bought a Gathering T-shirt and some cat ears, then made my way to the Gargoyle Physiology, Psychology, and Society panel. It was interesting to hear the people discussing how a gargoyle could have enough power to destroy something, yet be light enough to glide. I stayed in that room to watch the Dude Looks Like a Lady panel. I have always wanted to cosplay as a guy, and this panel really helped with the questions I had. Then, I watched the Advanced Costuming panel while Jurgan went to mug Crispin Freeman. I learned a lot about making very nice wings and feet from things that were inexpensive. This panel confirmed what I already thought to be true: duct tape is your friend! I stayed in the room to see the Villains, Villainy, and Plots panel. After that, I went to the Darkwing Duck panel. I got to hear some wonderful things about the show, as well as that it's coming out on DVD soon. Afterwards, I got Jim Cummings' autograph. Someone borrowed my pen, and then gave it to Mr. Cummings to use. He never gave it back, so he kind of stole my pen, but I later told him he could keep it. I still think it's funny to say that Darkwing Duck stole my pen. After that, Jurgan and I went to see the radio play. The people chosen for the play did a wonderful job. I absolutely loved it! After that, we went to the room and had dinner, and then I went to bed while Jurgan went to the Blue Mug.
June 25, 2006
Started the day once again by buying stuff! I got a cloak, a bracelet, some artwork, and a grab bag. At 10am, we went to the Gargoyles the Comic Book panel. That was very interesting mainly because during the panel, the hotel guys came and took the wall. They forgot to separate the rooms again after the radio play, so they decided to fix them during the panel. Next door, there was a church service going on, and they looked very confused as well. We got some autographs, and then went to Crispin Freeman's panel on Mythological Animation. It was wonderful to see how the western and eastern types of animation differ. After that, I got Mr. Freeman's autograph, and we went to Team Trivia. I had a great time playing the game, and even remembered things about the show I thought I had forgotten. Afterwards, I went to the art room and met someone I kind of knew from Gaiaonline. Her name was Fusion Demon. We chatted for a bit and she drew me a picture, but I didn't get to get it because I had to leave. We left the hotel at 3pm, but not before pre-registering for next year's Gathering. I had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back next year!
See you in 2007!