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So here I am with my first Post since getting the first comic, Clan Building, Chapter I. After several months, I now have Chapter II: The Journey, and I'm happy to see the regardless the wait, the story continues!!
I love this part of "The Journey" probably for its great lines, particularly Goliath's "Honestly, I was never quite sure," when talking about Vinnie and Macbeth's "Madam, they BURNED witches like you in the Middle Ages!!" (I can still here John Rhys-Davies' outburst quite clear even though I haven't seen that episode on TV in a good year. If Season II: Volume II ever comes out on DVD, I'd love that episode to be a bonus feature . . . just to hear that outburst.
Great to see Margot Yale again as well!
I also love the little treats that you've included in the issue, particularly Xanatos & Owen's conversation about Mr. Duval. LOVE Xanatos' reply to Owen, and I LOVE how Owen takes it in stride -- can't wait to see him turn into Puck one day, should he get the chance to teach Alex another lesson!
And I've mentioned this in the Comment Room, but I love how Hudson had the subtle honor of "turning on" Chapter II and then he also gets to "turned it off" as well. Still feels like a TV show twelve years later!!
That's basically it, Greg. I can't wait for Chapter III and I also can't wait for the destined release of Season II: Volume II (We've got this far, its not going to end now!)
Cross your fingers that I'll have been able to go to a Gathering by the time you read this!
All right, let's start with this: WHOAH! I'm now only three months behind here at ASK GREG! I wonder what's the furthest behind I've ever been?
That bit with Hudson was one of the reasons I was so disappointed with the Goliath Chronicles edit of "The Journey". They reordered scenes so that Hudson turning off the set did not come last, destroying the bookend of the show. Plus that awful naration.... ugh.
As you may know, the long awaited Gargoyles #3 is coming out this month: March 28th, 2007, to be specific. I'm nervous and psyched to finally have a brand new canon story about to hit the stores. Hope you like it! And I hope I do see you in Pigeon Forge!