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Knew I was forgeting something. I figured I'd comment on the JLE/Captain Atom/Gargoyle Crossover.
I enjoyed all of the stories in JLA Showcase #1, but just the same, your story alone was worth the cover price. I'm just sorry I haven't stumbled onto it sooner.
Everything from Behemoth and clans Awakening, to the introductions is hilarious. My favorite line though:
Metamorpho- I thought he said they were an endangered species?
Captain Atom sure had his priorities straight alright. Anyway, I hope my commenting was ok.
Just a few questions considering others take on the issue.
1. Did you get any complaints for those who might not have appreciated the humorous nature of the parody?
2. Did Beth, Erin and Ben read it?
2a. If yes, what were their comments.
3. Have you considered doing a ramble on the story?
1. Nope. There was an earlier draft without the Flash, and my editor asked me to do a rewrite so that the JLE membership didn't come off as quite so feeble.
2. I don't think so.
3. I haven't. But maybe I will someday.
My favorite word in the entire story is "Thomeheb."