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dph's Review of Comic #3
Artwork is much better.
I loved the make-up of the Gargoyles Task Force, especially Matt's opening remark about their primary objective. Aside from Bluestone, Maza, and Morgan, will you tell us which precints the rest of the police are from?
Love the nice bit of continuity with Martin Hacker showing up. Why the numbers "36" and "32"?
I loved how it was Morgan who approached Elisa, but wouldn't it be a little problematic being that Elisa Maza outranks Morgan Morgan?
It's nice to finally hear about Elisa's wants for a long-term relationship really are.
I enjoyed Xanatos's conversion with Martin Hacker. More about that later, though.
I liked Elisa hinting to look around at Deliliah.
I loved the nice bit of continuity with Demona showing up.
I loved the nice way of explaining the backstory of the mutates and the clones to the new readers.
Poor Brooklyn. ;) He gets shafted by own his clan leader when looking for a date. ;)
Nice to see Hacker checking in on Castaway. If the quarrymen ever get raided, I just hope Hacker isn't caught with Castaway.
Anyways, back to one of my earlier questions. Are the Illuminati Society deliberately to manipulate the gargoyles task force, Xanatos's plans, and the quarrymen to divert attention from something even bigger going on?
Nice to see Thailog back and fully recovered.
Nice laying out of plot threads for future development.
Most are from the 23rd. Travanti's been Morgan's partner for years. (I think you first saw him in "Temptations", but don't hold me to that.)
As for the numbers, you'll just have to wait ... heh heh heh And as for the Illuminati... NO, WAIT!! STOP!! I WASN'T GOING TO TALK! DON'T SH--