A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Just writing to let you know that at least one Gargoyles fan watched the second season of W.I.T.C.H. I have to say I very much enjoyed my little fan-girl laugh in "I is for Illusion" when one of the girls asked "How do we beat up a beach?" The season as a whole was very well done, even more so when compared to the first. The first season was largely a march toward the inevitable. I mean really, who didn't know that sooner or later Elyon would wise up, and Phobos would be defeated? The second season had many more interesting twists and turns. The character development was also fun to see. With such things as the Matt/Shagon situation and the revealing of Lillian as the Heart of Earth, the relationships were much more dynamic. I also loved the choice to make Nerissa Caleb's mother. Since Caleb has no parents in the comic you were free to make his mother whoever you wanted to, and it just fits Nerissa so well. I mean, in her own twisted way, she was working toward the greater good, at least in her mind, and it just makes sense that someone like that would conceive a child just so that child could led a rebellion. I have to admit I didn't think much about the character Gargoyle other than to think that it was strange to go from the clan to this wingless creature roughly the size of a tool shed that didn't speak. In short, great job to everyone who made the season so great, and I hope to see more.
Thanks! I am exceedingly proud of the work we did on WITCH. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm glad at least a few Gargoyles fans checked it out ...and caught all the in-jokes. (I'm still surprised that I didn't hear more hoots (of pleasure or derision) over Brenda and Marco.