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First point: I like that you cut out Banquo and Fleance - they are established characters, working for Macbeth, and sticking them in with the Quarrymen seemed like just treating them as extras (I'm assuming that they'll be used again if/when Macbeth makes an appearance). The mother and the jogger were better for such a role - while they had function in their past appearances, it was simple, and they haven't had even five minutes total screen time in all 65 episodes.
The Lois and Artie scene amused me - "You may keep your weapon" - too bad for Artie, he can't use it anymore.
I seem to remember that some people disliked the exposition pages - I, however, felt they were a nice adaptation of Keith David's monologue from season 2 to introduce new readers to what has happened to the Gargs over the past two (or 1002) years (and of course, Goliath is speaking it).
The Bluestone-Chavez scene, with the Captain on crutches, brings a thought to mind - John Canmore, if I remember right, was always a little unsure about the Hunt - I seem to recall at the very least that he was willing to spare Goliath and company, and simply Hunt "the Demon." Yet now, as Castaway, he shows the same recklessness that his older siblings had before (Casualties? Innocent bystanders? Who cares?). He strikes me as being blindly dedicated to the point of obsession, or even insanity, and uncaring of how many people get between him and the eradication of the Gargoyle species.
As for the scene itself: Maria Chavez didn't reach Captain by being stupid - Matt was nervouse when she asked about Xanatos, and I doubt that escaped her notice. She probably guesses that he's hiding something.
Elisa's wakeup - I only have this to say - boxers or panties?
Vinnie's recruitment, Part 2: "I think you'll see the necessity [for the hammers]." - Castaway is so sure of what he's doing, he doesn't see how anyone could disagree with him.
On Elisa's balcony: "No way you're fighting this hard if stone-face weren't the real thing…" Let's skip the poor English and go straight to the fact that the statement is total bull!! If it were just a statue, one like that would have to be worth a fortune! I remember that bugging me even in the TV version.
That's it for Nightwatch.
First Point: I didn't cut them. They're in the issue. Banquo and Fleance are with the Quarrymen now, not Macbeth. Sorry.
As for Castaway, I think he is obsessed, but that doesn't mean he's unintelligent. I hope his portrayal in issues 1-3 indicate that. His statement to Vinnie is successful, so there's no way to know whether he's blind to disagreement or being smart or both.