A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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First I need to ask why you and your team why you don't intergrate The Goliaths Cronicles into your new comics series. Secont could you put a link to ask or make our coments on the new comics series some whare on the CreatureComics web site. Third I've read the previouse Gargoyels Comics I've seen all the episodes from both searies and picked up the two sets of Dvds and I wish for you to try and ad all the searies together like George Lukas has done with his property Star Wars. The continuety is complete from films to novels,cartoons to comics and the through line is a complete vision.
1. I had nothing (or next to nothing) to do with Goliath Chronicles. I believe (with some evidence) that most of the fandom agrees with me that much of that series was not up to the standard of the original 65 Gargoyles episodes. Beyond that, most new readers wouldn't be aware of Goliath Chronicles anyway. Given that I find even watching those episodes distasteful, it didn't seem to profit anyone to include them in the canon. Now, I acknowledge that this will upset a few fans who are fond of those episodes. But, hey, that's life. My question to you is... are you actually fond of them... or are you just a completist?
2. The link is there. It leads you HERE to ASK GREG. This is the forum to post comments. Your other option is to send snail mail to the address SLG has provided.
3. I have no interest in doing that. I have a complete vision, and it includes the original 65 episodes and the SLG Comic book. Again, my apologies if that isn't satisfactory to you. And obviously, I can't speak to George Lucas, what he may or may not have done, why he may or may not have done it, but creatively the notion of trying to tie in versions of the show that I had little or nothing to do with and don't in fact fit my VISION of the show, seems counterproductive to the creative process. By extension, that would force me to include every piece of fan fiction ever written or ever to be written, constantly revising my vision every time somebody had a notion about the property. Think of Goliath Chronicles and the Marvel Comics series and Disney Adventures and the old video game and etc. as PAID fanfiction, and you may come closer to understanding my position.
Or not. And that's your perogative.