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Hey Greg,
Not really any questions...
Loving the new Gargoyles comic. #1 and #2 really layed out the Gargoyles world and backstory as good as it could be done in two issues. #3 really started the new stuff off right with a lot of favorite characters (of mine anyway) returning. I am especially glad that you are including Matt Bluestone in a large supporting role.
Even though the characters aren't being animated, I believe that Hedgecock and Evans are doing a fantastic job of giving them life. The looks on Brooklyn's face during a few instances so far are a good example of this. It's obvious that he isn't happy with his personal situation and maybe even his place in the clan.
Keep up the great work, Gargoyles ranks up there with DCAU Library as my favorite cartoons and I'm glad the Gargs are continuing in comic form. Looking forward to the Bad Guys mini as well... that lineup would give the Gargs a run for their money.
Thanks... we're excited about Gargoyles: Bad Guys too. I'm currently writing issue #2.