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Okay, in anticipation of my copy of Gargoyles #3 (still in the post) I wrote a review of Gargoyles: Nightwatch over at Amazon; I thought I might as well post (an edited) version here.
"And so it begins - Gargoyles chapter 2; or is it chapter 3? I've lost count." ~ Brooklyn "Hunter's Moon III"
And so it begins again indeed - after a 10 year absence the Gargoyles are back and their adventures continue in these brand new canon adventures.
And what a way to come back - I have to say that I was at first a bit unsure about the series continuing in comic book form (one aspect of the show that I loved was the voice acting; I had some reservations that the stories just wouldn't play the same without the talents of Keith David, Salli Richardson, Marina Sirtis and the rest of the gang).
Onto the story - at first again I have to say that learning that the first issue or 2 would cover "The Journey" disappointed me as it meant that I had to wait longer for new stories. However, regardless of that this first issue "Nightwatch" shows "Gargoyles" in a medium new to the series, and like the world that the gargoyles themselves have now found themselves in
But even so we get wonderful new of scenes that were dropped from "The Journey". I loved the scene with Art and Goliath; seeing the response to the gargoyle threat by the common man on the street is something that I think TGC lacked greatly (especially considering that the Quarrymen in TGC were all basically hired muscle).
The other new scene between Chavez and Matt; it's nice to see the clock tower being rebuilt and Chavez in a cast and crutches; like Elisa with her crutches (in 'Enter Macbeth') and Owen with his stone fist these continuities are central to "Gargoyles" and I'm glad that they aren't explained with any back story.
New York is reeling from the revelation that these nocturnal gargoyle creatures are no longer myth or urban legend, but in fact real living creatures; previously the gargoyles have long stayed hidden from local inhabitants and the media (though not without close calls - often with precarious results) but are now thrown into the limelight as New Yorkers try to make sense of their new neighbors. And from the ashes of the feud with the Hunters grows a new threat - the Quarrymen headed by ex-hunter John Castaway.
This issue sees Goliath voice his fears for his clan and their future in a world filled with humans prejudiced against his race; I like how you nicely juxtapose Goliath's worries with Castaway's recruitment hate speech. Hopefully you can incorporate some life into Castaway's Ku Klux Klan, unlike TGC certainly failed to do. I actually am looking forward to what plans you have in store for Castaway and the Quarrymen. However, even in this the first issue, we can see the Klan being fleshed out; Castaway aims his racist views at a frightened populace - directed at faces we can recognize as background characters from the original series (such as 'Billy and Susan's Mom' from "Thrill of the Hunt"). These people (unlike the mindless thugs of the Chronicles whose only real reason to join was to "pummel some gargoyles") have real fears and worries that Castaway plays.
If that wasn't enough the gargoyles now have to live an uneasy truce with a former foe; David Xanatos has invited the gargoyles back to their ancestral home Castle Wyvern. But can the clan trust him not to destroy them whilst they sleep? And how will he react once the Illuminati Society learns he's harboring Manhattan's Most Wanted? All budding questions that set up future stories for us to wait for. Nice.
Greg Guler gives us a gorgeous front cover. The interior artwork, despite the negativity that has been surrounding it, I thinkis growing on me. When I first saw the preview pages of this issue online (I think almost a year ago) I was shocked at the art. I didn't like it then. But having seen it for real and having re-read the issue several times, I'm starting to like the art. It's unique and different from the series but in the same vein it manages to capture the original feel of the series. On some pages some of the characters do look off-model and completely different; but did not the animators make mistakes at least once in most episode? I'm sure they must have.
The Hedgecock/Terrell duo paint a gloomy and oppressive world which couple's stunningly with Goliath's depressive outlook on his clan's future. The gargoyles look stunning, majestic and seemingly blend beautifully into this bleak world that they now have to adjust to.
Despite being a re-hash of the first half of your final episode, "Nightwatch" plays out as a brilliant introduction to the Gargoyles universe; I really cannot wait until I get the rest of the issues.
"Nightwatch" and jump starts Gargoyles with a jolt! It brilliantly sets us up with the well awaited return of our favorite winged heroes. In the nonchalant words of Travis Marshall: "Welcome Back!"
Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. Hope by now you have issue #3, because issue #4 is out in just a couple of days!!