A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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I'd like to thank everyone who participated in last night's chat.
Props especially go out to Mooncat for moderating and logging the thing.
To Matt for suggesting it (more-or-less) in the first place.
And for Gorebash for hosting it.
Finally, I'd like to send a personal shout out to "Beth Maza". I had forgotten that that was your screen name, and I'm afraid I was so busy answering questions that it didn't register when you came in the room. Of course, I remember you and your REAL name.
Beth Maza was the con-chair for the very first GATHERING in Manhattan in 1997. She almost single-handedly organized the convention and got me there (against all odds, I should add). We all owe her a huge debt of gratitude. Me most of all.
Next to Gorebash, no one besides Beth did more to bring me into the fandom at the beginning. Thanks. (And I hope you see this.)