A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Comic Book Update...
(Although as a few of you have probably guessed, I'm not getting my info much in advance of all of you.)
Anyway, I've just gotten word that Gargoyles #6 ("Clan-Building, Chapter Six: Reunion") is going to be a couple weeks late, hitting stores on October 10th, 2007. I apologize for the delay, of course. All I can do is tell you that the work was done some time ago. The delay was not caused by the creative staff, which includes myself as writer, Gordon Purcell as penciller, Dustin Evans as colorist, David Hedgecock as letterer, Greg Guler as cover artist and Stephanie Lostimolo as cover colorist. We got the work done but their were unfortunate approval delays. Personally, I blame Hyena.
Gargoyles #7 has been written and pencilled and is being colored now.
Gargoyles #8 has been written and roughed and is being pencilled now.
Gargoyles #9 is being scripted now.
Bad Guys #1 has been written and roughed and is being pencilled and finished now. (Keep in mind, it's a black and white book.)
Bad Guys #2 has been scripted.
Despite the glitch the basic plan hasn't changed. We still hope to bring you -- between the TWO books -- monthly Gargoyles product. We were hoping to go monthly starting in September, but it's obviously going to be October now. Again, for that I apologize and ask for your patience.