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SLG informed me today that Gargoyles: Bad Guys #1, "Redemption, Chapter 1: Strangers" will hit the stores on Thursday, November 29th, 2007.
Good news in and of itself, but what pleases me most is that it's out in November (if just under the wire). That means our goal of having some MONTHLY gargoyles product has been achieved. And since there's really NO reason why the already completed Gargoyles #7 shouldn't be out in December, that gives us a running start to STAY monthly! And don't forget the Trade Paperback, collecting the first half of "Clan-Building" which is also completed and approved and should be out in December or early January. C'mon! Tell me it's not a great time to be a Gargoyles fan! I dare ya!
Anyway, "Strangers" is by myself and Karine Charlebois with lettering by David Hedgecock and a cover featuring Matrix by Greg Guler and Stephanie Lostimolo. I hope you like it!