A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Word has come to me that the HOT TOPIC chain of retail stores is selling a GARGOYLES T-SHIRT...
This is terrific news! (The moreso BECAUSE I had absolutely nothing to do with it, and it comes as a total surprise.)
This is also a GREAT opportunity for the fans. How do we prove to Disney, Buena Vista, Hot Topic, etc. that Gargoyles is a viable property? WITH OUR WALLETS! First chance I get I'm buying a shirt... (and I'm a guy with about 100 gargoyles t-shirts). As always, I'm not asking you to spend money you don't have or that you need for food or shelter or education. But if you have any disposable income and you care about keeping the property alive there is NO BETTER way then to buy a shirt. Need a birthday present for a friend or relative? Buy a shirt! You want the next DVD set to come out? Buy a shirt!
Keep in mind I don't make a penny off these shirts. But this is a REAL opportunity for us!
And as always, at the very least, help us SPREAD THE WORD: HOT TOPIC HAS GARGOYLES SHIRTS!!!