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Some YJ Statistics...

Today we recorded (most) of Young Justice episode 220, i.e. the final episode of Season Two. We had a nice little cast party today, which is bittersweet, of course, since we don't know if we're merely taking a break with a pickup coming some day - or whether this is it.

By the time we've finally recorded everyone (probably sometime next week), this single episode will have TWENTY-FOUR voice actors in it. That's 24 actors playing 35 speaking parts. And those 35 speaking parts make up less than half of the 77 total characters that will (likely) appear in the episode.

Other stats (of interest only to the truly nerdy geek):

Across two seasons, we'll have used 91 actors to play all the speaking parts.

Season One had 179 name characters (not all of whom speak, of course) over its 26 episodes. (At least through the script stage. A few, like Catherine Cobert, may have been cut for time by the time the episodes aired, and I haven't recalculated for that.)

Season Two had 145 name characters over 20 episodes.

Together (i.e. if you merge both lists), the two seasons had a total of 241 name characters over 46 episodes.

Season Two scripts ranged between 30 pages long (episode 216) and 36 pages long (201 & 220).

Line counts ranged between 197 lines per script (203) and 255 (214).

Number of actors used per episode ranged between 6 (202) and 24 (220).