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YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 21: "Players: Chapter Two: Directly to Jail": On Sale: NOW!

YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: ISSUE: 21: "Players: Chapter Two: Directly to Jail": On Sale: NOW!

Hey gang, I'm back from Ashland. Had a great time. Saw some great plays, particularly "ALL THE WAY", a brilliant piece about LBJ, written by Robert Schenkkan (writer of The Kentucky Cycle - and a Star Trek actor to boot).

And, in the meantime, issue 21 of our companion comic book hit the stands yesterday! It's part two of our six part magnum opus that introduces our comic book readers to the cast of Invasion. It features some gorgeous art by Christopher Jones, and I'm fairly proud of the writing as well. Check it out online or wherever comic books are sold!