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Anonymous writes...

Hi there
1-does the green lantern power ring need to be recharged? If so how often do lanterns recharge their rings? (Consider normal power usage)
2-what abilities does the life support aura (the green aura surrounding theri bodies) give them besides providing oxygen? Do they need to eat or sleep with that aura? Does it take care of their waste?
3-does the aura mentioned above make lanterns bulletproof?
4-does the power ring grant them super strength?
5-Could they support the weight of a cargo ship or something with cunstructs?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Zatanna had chosen some better/wiser/different words to explain why Mary could not wear the Helmet of Fate, would Mary have still have angrily left after being rejected as a potential host for the Helmet of Fate, or would Mary have understood/heeded the wisdom of Zatanna's words and therefore work to try to be better in order to overcome her power addiction?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What were Icon's previous professions during his long life on Earth prior to become a lawyer in the present day?

#2. Why did it take Rocket to convince Icon to become a superhero? Were there personal fears/concerns that prevented him from making that choice himself multiple times prior?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, Black Lightning placed an emphasis on mental health in direct response to Geo-Force's betrayal in the Season 3 finale and what he himself went through during the entire Season 3? Or were there more reasons besides these two reasons I mentioned?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following biological family relationships correct for each person’s perspective in the Earth-16 universe? If not, please explain why.

#1. Jor-El’s Biological Family Relationships:

Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (wife)
Kal-El (son)
Lois Joanne Lane-Kent (daughter-in-law)
Jonathan Samuel “Jonny” Kent (grandson)
Zor-El (brother)
Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (sister-in-law)
Kara Zor-El (niece)

#2. Zor-El’s Biological Family Relationships:

Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (wife)
Kara Zor-El (daughter)
Jor-El (brother)
Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (sister-in-law)
Kal-El (nephew)
Lois Joanne Lane-Kent (niece-in-law)
Jonathan Samuel “Jonny” Kent (great-nephew)

NOTE: I did not include Superboy (Kon-El/ Conner Kent) in each person’s relationship list because I do not know what his relationship would be with them.

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A Nony Mouse writes...

Is Staghart, Leo and Una’s biological son?

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Jackson writes...

By any chance is Geo-Force (Brion Markov) a foil to Arsenal (Roy Harper)? If so then can you explain how and why?

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Kalito writes...

After Roy was invited to rejoin the Team by Artemis in "The Prize" are any of the heroes trying to make sure Arsenal (Roy Harper) doesn't end up like Vandal Savage, Black Adam (Teth Adam), Ra's al Ghul, and Geo-Force (Brion Markov) after what happened in "Nevermore"?

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Paladin writes...

Hi Greg !
Just read an answer you gave to someone talking about religion, and you said that it's difficult to represent atheists on YJ because of the elements you introduced on the show :

" I'd love to be more inclusive of atheists. I aspire to be an atheist myself, but frankly I'm too superstitious. And I don't know how - in the fantasy world of Earth-16, which includes things like ghosts, phantoms, souls, demons, gods, etc. - to make space for true atheism, which is a philosophy I find most admirable in real life."

Now, I have a question, that I'm sure you will find interesting : how someone can still be religious in the fantasy world of earth-16 ????
Because you objectively demonstrated dozens of things that contradict religions.
Some examples :
- religion said the earth is 6000 years old --> Vandal Savage is 50000 years old.
- religion said the universe was created in 6 days --> you showed the YJ universe is 16 billions years old.
- religion never mentioned extraterrestrial life --> I think we can admit that aliens exist in earth-16 (lol).

And we could go on like that for days. Now, very religious people will come and tell me I'm full of approximation, that it's more complicated, and so on...
But the fact remains, whatever those people may say, that your show is contradicting religious allegations.

SO, don't you think it's nonsensical and inconsistent to have introduced religions in YJ, and that they don't have their place in this universe, because it OBJECTIVELY demonstrated they're WRONG ?

I'm personally an agnostic atheist, which doesn't mean I hate religions, I just find they don't have their place in your show. Don't you agree ?

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Anonymous writes...

In Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge, Kilowog said no communication between him and Razer for four years. That sets the events of the parting in team year 6, which is also when the events of Young Justice Invasion takes place. Did you do this as a nod to how both Young Justice and Green Lantern Tas had their finales air together on March 16, 2013 or is there also a deeper reason like it fits better with the Timeline or is it both the factors.

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