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Mark writes...

Apparently the blurb with the Sportsmaster action figure stated that he was a freelancer who did some work for the League of Shadows. On the one hand, this makes some sense since he did not bow to Ra's in Targets unlike every League assassin we've seen with Ra's. On the other, he seems very closely associated with the League, so I just wanted to confirm.

1) Was Sportsmaster a member of the League of Shadows?
2) If so, when did he leave?
3) Was Huntress a member of the League of Shadows?
4) If so, when did she leave?
5) In Young Justice: Legacy, Sportsmaster has a number of minions dressed similarly to him. Does he generally have a group of his own mercenaries, or are they League of Shadows assassins dressed specially for the occasion, or just something in the game and not canon? Or something else?

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Mark writes...

A few questions regarding Sorry Excuse and DC Showcase: Green Arrow. Both contain a scene of Sylvester the Skyman reporting on the traffic with fellow radio presenter Pat.

1) Is Sylvester the Skyman actually Sylvester Pemberton/Skyman/Star-Spangled Kid or just a reference to him?

It's been suggested that Pat either is Pat Dugan/Stripsey/S.T.R.I.P.E., or is a reference to him, but Pat is voiced by a woman in the film.

2) Is Pat in Sorry Excuse a man or woman?
3) Is Pat actually Pat Dugan, or a reference to him?
4) When was Sylvester born?
5) When was Pat born?

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Shannon writes...

Has there been any discussions or floating ideas of rebooting the
Legion of Super-Heroes? The second half of the season would have a
good lead in to the Legions adventures.

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Kaylle writes...

1. In Failsafe, is Bioship in the mental training exercise with them? Or is Martian Manhunter just simulating her along with the other characters besides the Team?
2. Does Bioship participate in training exercises for her own education? Not just for a team member to log time learning to fly, but for her to learn/practice something?
3. Was Wolf in the training exercise?
4. Does Wolf participate in training exercises?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since Klarion and Child talked about Earth-17 in Zatanna's Season 4 story arc, does that imply that the both the Earth-16 versions of the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos are most likely aware of the multiverse and that they have counterparts in other universes?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Arrowverse character, Nia Nal (aka. the superheroine, Dreamer)?

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Anonymous writes...

Since we didn't see her in the second half of Phantoms can you tell us what Em'ree/M'ree had been up to since arriving on Earth?

1. Did she meet any of the members of the original Team?
2. Did she learn more about Supermartian's love story?
3. Did she move out after Superboy was revealed to be alive or is she is still living with them?

Please feel free to enlighten. I really like her character and I'm sorry she didn't appear again until the finale.

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Anonymous writes...

On what day and month did Conner purchase his engagement ring for M'gann?

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BatFan2099 writes...

In Young Justice Wiki, there's a thread going on about whether Green Arrow and Black Canary are married, seeing as DC Showcase: Green Arrow has been confirmed canon thanks to Targets #2. Can you confirm if they are married now or not?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

In Young Justice: Phantoms, Lor-Zod says that he was born 8 months after his parents were released from the Phantom Zone. Normally, I would take that as meaning Ursa Zod was 1 month pregnant when she was imprisoned, but seeing as she is an alien, not human, I felt I should ask this question:

Was she indeed a month pregnant when sent to the Zone, or do Kryptonian babies only take 8 months to develop in the womb?

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