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Bugsy writes...

Would Garfield still have breakup with Perdita if Garfield had not gone to mars with M'gann and Conner and if so, why?

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Roy Harper referred to as a “fellow genomorph” in the young justice audio play?

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M writes...

How does Zatanna fell towards dick and Barbara’s relationship ?

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Secret writes...

Why was M'comm so surprised that M'gann went after him for Conner's death? He had to expect what would happen. He killed his own sister's fiancée! Also what was his reaction when he learned that Conner died instead? Does he even feel the sightliest bit of guilt and remorse for what he did to Conner or M'gann for that matter?

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Michael Broder writes...

Who thought of Psimon and Devastation? (as an item)

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Dane writes...

I do understand that you wanted to show that everyone doesn’t marry their first love with the example of Chalant. But why did you choose Barbara Gordon as Dick’s endgame ?
One of the reasons Chalant gets so much love is that we finally got to see Dick sincerely loving and being serious with someone else that Barbara or Kory.
Dickbabs already is endgame in nearly every single continuity they are in ( the comics + every animated Batman series or movie, and they are canon in the main continuity ) DC even black listed Dickkory to promote this couple, there is clearly enough ( too much ) Dickbabs.
I even used to ship them but by seeing them together everywhere, everytime it just disgusts me of them tbh.
It would have been perfect If you stuck to idea of allowing Grayson to be with someone else, Dickbabs is overused and doesn’t bring anything new or fresh to the show and is such a shame.
Young Justice is one of my favorite shows and you can’t imagine how enormously disappointed i was when i first watched episodes 6 of season 3, I really had hope that i would finally see Dick being endgame to another girl.

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David Jones writes...

How did the Gardita fans react to Garfield logan after the Gardita fans learn Garfield's breakup with Queen Perdita?

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Tamara writes...

Why was it part of the plan of young justice season 4 that beast boy would breakup with Perdita over Garfield's deep depression over conner's death but only to reunite m'gann and conner later in season 4 and not also reunite beast boy with Perdita in a dating relationship later in season 4?

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Suzie writes...

1. When Superman was in space in season 3, did he and Conner ever share video calls like Troia and Diana?
2. Why did Conner wait so long to tell Clark about his and M'gann's engagement? Couldn't he have told him via video call or something?
3. How long exactly were Wonder Woman, Superman, the Hawks etc in space in season 3?
4. In the season 2 finale, why did Batman directly asked Aqualad what happened? When they left, everyone still thought Aqualad was a traitor and yet Batman didn't hesitate to ask him about the situation. Does this mean, Batman may have been aware of the deep cover mission or had an idea about what was going on?
5. How long did it take for everyone (both the Team and Justice League) to truly trust and forgive Kaldur, Dick and the others after learning about the deep cover mission. Example how long did it take for Aquaman to forgive his former protege and begin to trust him again?

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Suzie writes...

1. How did Conner manage to keep his plans to propose to M'gann a secret from her considering she is psychic?
2. Did Conner tell anyone about his plans to propose to M'gann or did he simply keep it a secret from everyone?
3. By the time Conner went on the Markovia mission with Dick, Artemis and Jeff, did they know about his and M'gann's engagement at that time?
4. When and how did Conner and M'gann tell everyone they were engaged? Did they gather everyone at the Watchtower to inform them of the news, social media or any other kind of way?
5. After the proposal what did Conner and M'gann do for the rest of their day/time together before he left for his mission to Markovia?

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