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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Amazing Man begin his costumed career?
2. Did Amazing Man join the All-Star Squadron? In what year?
3. What year was Al Pratt/Atom I born?
4. What year was Crimson Avenger born?
5. What year was Doctor Mid-Nite born?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Kilowag's mentioning of Razer eventually wielding "rainbow powers" seems to hint/imply that Razer's quest to find Aya may involve him obtaining the power rings from the other Lantern Corps and him becoming the White Lantern and using the power of life to probably bring Aya back. Am I correct in this interpretation? Besides, I honestly wish to see the Earth-16 version of Aya one day; seeing her reunite with Razer and her other friends, and even potentially interacting with the rest of Earth-16's heroes.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since you confirmed that the events of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" is "Canon Adjacent," and since Kilowag had mentioned that it had been about four years since Razer was last seen, it is obviously clear that the Earth-16 version of the events of the animated series took place in 2016. HOWEVER, given that the animated series lasted only one season, when exactly did the Earth-16 version of the events started and ended, respectively, during the year of 2016?

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Dante writes...

As a African American Im a big fan from s1 s2 I like and respect what you do and done. I am asking if you can consider to adapt more on the Black ethnic superheroes groups with appearances on scenes more such as Icon, Vixen, Static, Naomi, Starlight, Thunder etc. Not only appearances but possibly better story telling of those diverse characters you have. the story arc for Rocket so far is pretty dull where getting to know her more contradicts her character appearances and insight on issues that happen in s1&2 with her friendships w/ superboy and atermis. (Rage & daddy issues) with s4 views on Orion she struggling to accept him. 2 episodes in and not enough of rocket being shown in positive cool way. There are huge amounts of different black groups that watch your show with different personalities please showcase our skin/behaviour in a better way. To be inclusive is to consider our hair as not every hair style with your black female characters bumblebee and rocket have that short Rihanna buzz cut. Please continue to consider the future of the black youth that enjoy your amazing show.

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Anonymous writes...

I’ve seen countless comments in the past few days from people who’ve decided to finally catch up on Young Justice in order to see Razer again. It also seems like you’re saving Nightwing’s arc for last, the most famous and popular protagonist on the show.
Am I correct in assuming this is all an intentional, May sweeps-style, strategy to generate hype and attention in the final stretch of the season or is this instead simply just how the story you’re telling needed to unfold?

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Jackson writes...

By any chance is Mary Bromfield a foil to Arsenal (Roy Harper)? If so then can you explain how and why?

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Anonymous writes...

I miss when the show was about the team. It was such a cool and unique concept, why would you replace it with a knock off teen titans? And then not even develop the knock off teen titans in the same way? Why should I care about them? Without the team, it does not even feel like Young Justice anymore.

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Anonymous writes...

I am honestly concerned that you’re letting the twitter crowd influence you too much…i know it’s a necessary evil for promotion but you should be aware that the people on there do not represent the whole population. it’s become a really nasty place over the last few years, people there can only deal in absolutes: someone/thing is either the best thing in the world and above all criticism or evil and must be destroyed. did you see how the will smith oscar incident got turned into a race issue where anyone who criticized what will did was branded a racist? the whole site turned on zoe kravitz for saying something when they were obsessing over her a few days earlier and literally accused her of being a pedo based on one line from an interview. right now young justice is beloved there and anyone who dares to share an opinion is attacked - and to be perfectly frank, it often happens after you reply to them. yes it is good for the show to have them on your side because they’ll keep it trending every week but be careful not to get too tangled up with them, they will turn on you in a second.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How much information in this link is also true in the Earth-16 universe?


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Yojimbo writes...

Some questions pertaining to Young Justice: Phantoms "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge!"

1. What month and year in the 31st century did the United Planets parole the Kryptonians imprisoned in the Phantom Zone?

2. What year did Dru-Zod stage a coup on Krypton?

3. What year was the truce made between New Genesis and Apokolips?

4. What month and year did Razer first put on the Red Lantern ring on Volkrieg?

5. Is the female Forager from the Mountain Hive voiced by Nika Futterman based on the second Forager from the comics?

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