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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, does Jonathan Kent have a brother named Harry Kent, and a sister-in-law named Sarah "Sal" Kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In the Earth-16 universe, is Jonathan Kent's full name addressed as Jonathan Nathaniel Kent; like his DCEU counterpart?

2. In the Earth-16 universe, what is Martha Clark-Kent's middle name?

3. In the Earth-16 universe, what are the names of the parents of Jonathan and Martha Kent, respectively?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg!

I wanted to ask for a little more detail on how the Legionnaires were able to be rescued? I know Brainy said there was a 99.84% chance the timeline was substantially restored, if things were changed AT ALL (Ursa getting away, Vandal getting all the Kryptonians, etc), wouldn't that mean that even if they went back to their era it wouldn't be exactly like they remember? That there would be other versions of them in this new timeline? I know I might be needlessly overthinking, and I'm sorry if this is a bother, but I just wanted to ask for clarification on how it all works since the time travel was more involved in Phantoms than Invasion.

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Zarabi Mizanin writes...

Hi Greg, my question’s in relation to Young Justice S4. It’s not even a plot relevant question, more of a silly one in regards to the finale. As a wrestling fan, I wanna know: In canon, how did Nightwing learn about blade jobs?

1) Stumbled across it on whatever version of YouTube they have on Earth 16?

2) Went through a wrestling phase?

3) Haly’s Circus held a show in a carnival with wrestlers and Dick learned a few of their secrets by watching?

4) None of the above?

Whatever the answer is, thank you for your time. Love this show SO much, thank you and everyone who helped make it.

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Paul writes...

Hi again, Greg! :)

1) In "Depths", La'gaan says to Artemis, "I relish this opportunity to finally fight beside you, archer". Is there an in-universe reason for the fact that Lagoon Boy joined the Team in Team Year Four and Artemis left in Team Year Five but they didn't fight alongside one another in all that time? If so, what's the reason/what happened?

2) The Doom Patrol died in Team Year Five and Beast Boy is on the Team in February of Team Year Five (as he's present in Legacy). It seems a little bit doubtful that Gar would join the Team within a month or so of the Doom Patrol's demise, so I wonder: did Gar join the Team (if only part-time basis) while Elastigirl, Negative Woman and Chief were still alive? After all, you've said that Gar didn't go on every Doom Patrol mission, so it seems plausible that there could have been a time when he was a member of BOTH teams, if only perhaps on a part-time basis. Is this what happened?

3) I'm really curious about the fact that Mary Bromfield abused her powers (by spending too much time as Sergeant Marvel) and M'gann M'orzz was abusing her own telepathic powers by the time of Team Year Six. Possible spoiler request here, but is there a connection between what happened to these two girls in terms of how they abused their respective powers during the five-year gap?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Roy Harper choose to come to view his clone Will Harper as his brother by the time of young justice outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Was the light the one who put deathstroke in charge of the shadows? If the anwser is yes Why did they consider him the most qualifies over other Shadow members like lady Shiva?

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Anonymous writes...

Did the light ever consider that some of their members might need to be replaced before ocean master’s imprisonment?

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Anonymous writes...

1. I’m a bit confused about the YJ version of Ultra-Humanite. Was Ultra-Humanite born as a human male, then transferred his brain to a human woman to extend his life, then transferred his brain again to a gorilla (like in the comics)? Or was he born as a human female who transferred his brain to a gorilla? I don’t think the tie-in comics confirm or refute either scenario.
2. Why didn’t he just stay human? I don’t really see any pros in becoming a gorilla.


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the current iteration of the DC Comics universe, Hippolyta's sisters are Antiope, Atalanta, and Astarte. Is this true in the Earth-16 universe as well? Also, amongst the sisters, what is the order from oldest to youngest? Finally, in the current iteration of the DC Comics universe, their mother's name was Alcippe (alternatively known as Antiope when she founded the tribe of the Amazons of Bana-Mighdall) and their aunt's name was Atalanta. Is this also true in the Earth-16 universe as well?

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