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The Phoenix Gate

Unanswered Questions


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Anonymous writes...

So A couple of Doctor Who related questions if you don't mind-
1) What are your thoughts on the current doctor.(you can answer both for the incumbent doctor at the time the question was answered and if this by the time the actor has changed once again even that is fine).
2. When was your first exposure to doctor who or rather which doctor did you start with, are you familiar with the classic series.
3. So in the archives you mentioned Ninth Doctor is your favourite, what about him makes you so appealing to you and more so than the other doctors.
4. Since I know you prefer certain rules of time travel what are your thoughts on timey wimey(i.e the rules of time travel in doctor who) nature of time travel in doctor who.
5. What would you refer to as your favourite episode/story arc of doctor who.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Could the animated movie, "Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons: The Movie," potentially be considered "canon adjacent" in the YJ animated universe? If true, then...

#1. When could the events of the film logically fit within the Earth-16 timeline?

#2. Which events in the animated movie would NOT make sense within the Earth-16 continuity and why?

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Jason R Carter writes...

1. Is it safe to say that Bear isn't the only New God who's gotten physical with Metron?

2. Since we're getting a Rocket-centric arc, where's Icon?

3. "Catwoman: Hunted" question: are Mr. Yakuza and La Dama based on characters from the comics, or were they created for this movie?

4. Have Earth-16 Black Lightning and Tobias Whale faced off?

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Chief Owonubi writes...

What is the title of the next episode of Rocket's arc in Young Justice Phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

Aside from the starro incident have there been other moments were vandal regretted asking klarion for help?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Sensei become the sensei to the League of Shadows?
2. What year was Shade born?
3. What year did Shade begin his criminal career?
4. What year did Shade join the League of Shadows?
5. What year did Sportsmaster begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Professor Ojo join the League of Shadows?
2. What year did Red Hooded Ninja join the League of Shadows?
3. What year did Rictus begin her criminal career?
4. What year did Rictus join the League of Shadows?
5. What year did Sensei join the League of Shadows?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Hook join the League of Shadows?
2. What year did Lady Shiva begin her criminal career?
3. What year did Lady Shiva join the League of Shadows?
4. What year was Melisande born?
5. What year did Professor Ojo begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Black Spider join the League of Shadows?
2. What year did Jade Crock become Cheshire?
3. What year did Cheshire join the League of Shadows?
4. What year did Paula Crock/Huntress begin her criminal career?
5. What year did Hook begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Miss Arrowette begin her costumed career?
2. What year did Mist begin her costumed career?
3. What year (and month, if applicable) did Mist join the Team?
4. What year was Ryan, Karen’s friend from Dr. Palmer’s lab, born?
5. What year did Windfall begin her costumed career?

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Anonymous writes...

I got a few New Genesis Bug related questions-
1. So Forager are called so because they forage for items, All Mother is well all mother and is the queen of the hive, Then is Mantis also a role in Hive like would each have a Mantis or Does mantis simply have individuality enough to choose a name not based on his task in the hive.
2. There were also yellow colored bugs in Away Mission do they have a different role 3. There are blue/purple colored forager too are they always gonna be female, if possible could you explain the Bug color and roles cause right now it's a bit confusing since we don't have much information about this.
4. Is Mantis fighting for a cause like for Bugs to get the respect they deserve similar to Mcomm fighting for the A'ashenn cause or is it simply like I lookout for Myself and don't care about anyone else.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How old does the Collector of Worlds appear to be in terms of human biological years?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Brainiac 5:

1. Is his real name Querl Dox?

2. As a Coludroid, what is his age; both as a human biological equivalent and in actual Earth years (assuming he is older than he looks)?

3. Does his fellow Legionnaires ever call him by his nickname "Brainy"?

4. Is he a descendant of the Collector of Worlds?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How did Artur feel about his father (Orin) stepping down as High King, and his mother (Mera) being chosen to become High King, respectively?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the episode, Usual Suspects,...

#1. How exactly did Lex Luthor figure out that Superboy ran out the red shields? I mean, did that little container that holds the red shields have some kind of chip or something that transmits to Lex Luthor and informs him when Superboy uses a red shield and how many he has left in inventory?

#2. If Superboy, Artemis, and Miss Martian did not tell the rest of the Team about their respective secrets, what would have been the original outcome of the meeting that occurred in Santa Prisca; considering they were supposed to go somewhere? I mean, would those three have been given the Starro-tech at wherever place they would go, like what the mind-controlled Red Arrow did to the Justice League? Or, would there have been a far worse fate that would have awaited those three?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In chronological order, who ruled Atlantis and how long did each person's reign lasted? If you are unable to list every single person, at the very least, please identify the more well-known/famous rulers of Atlantis' history and the length of their respective reigns in the Earth-16 universe.

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Lori writes...

Hi Greg!

Traci Thurston/Thirteen has quickly become one of my favorite characters this season. I feel like we got to know her a bit more during Zatanna's arc, and it was AMAZING.

I recall seeing somewhere on Twitter, that her chants (when using bad luck magic) are in Latin. While rewatching "Odnu!" I could not decipher what she said during 2 specific scenes: When she manipulated the fog lines to capture the Trogowog, and when she moved the brick wall that Khalid was about to strike into.

Is she reciting these chants in another language?

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Kevin writes...

1. Was Arion also a Homo Meta, along with being the first Homo Magi, or was he just the former?

2. On Earth 16 is an affinity for Magic a metahuman ability/subspecialty of the meta gene, or is it's own thing? Would Zatanna, Traci 13, or Khalid Nassour have the meta gene along with their magic powers or just the latter?

3. Are Atlantean Sorcerers considered to be Homo Magi or are they just Homo Mermanus/or are they both?

4. Is Nabu when he was alive a Homo Magi and would he be considered one now with the helmet?

5. Are Atlanteans also technically Homo Meta and Homo Magi along with being Homo Mermanus? Would La'gaan have tested positive for the Meta Gene when he was captured by the Reach?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

What are the exact dates that each of the Orm clone's memories occurred; as depicted in "Leviathan Wakes"?

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Anonymous writes...

In the episode "Nautical Twilight" Lori was cold to Wyynde, against whom she still harbored resentment for his time as a purist. Well from this I have two questions to ask.

1) Will Karen be that way towards Arsenal (Roy Harper) after his mistakes from Season 2 even though he wasn't truly a bad person (Which the 4 Runaway meta-teens obviously know) nor irredeemable?

2) Will La'gaan (formerly known as Lagoon Boy) be that way towards Nightwing (Dick Greyson) after the way he kept Kaldur's deep-cover mission and Artemis's faked death a secret from him and the other heroes during Season 2?

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Anonymous writes...

1. who is the fourth green lantern mentioned by Orin at the end of season 4 episode 17
2. when does Catwoman: Hunted take place?
3. Does the Green Arrow showcase show Perdita's initial arrival to the United States with her staying in the country until she is seen again in Episode 20?

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Anonymous writes...

What does Perdita Vladek think about Arsenal (Roy Harper) and are they both on good terms?

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Anonymous writes...

I have five questions to ask.

1. In the episode "Darkest" La'gaan told Kaldur (who is only posing as a traitor as part of an undercover operation) that he's not Black Manta's son but his errand boy. What does he mean by Errand Boy?

2. In the episode "Nomed Esir!" Child accuses Klarion of being a lapdog for working with Vandal Savage. What does she mean by Lapdog?

3. Is La'gaan right about Kaldur being Black Manta's Errand Boy or maybe wrong?

4. Is Child right about Klarion being Vandal Savage's Lapdog?

5. Is there a difference between being someone's Errand Boy and someone's Lapdog or are they both the same thing?

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Lea Howlett writes...

On Young Justice:
1. What happened to Queen Perdita Vladeks mother?
2. Will Asami and Tye make a comeback anytime soon? Are they still together?
3. Is Jason Todd the Red Hooded Ninja?
4. Is Delphis in a polyamorous relationship with Kaldur and Wyynde?

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Anonymous writes...

Where did Chian take Fake Arion in episode 16? Did she know he was Ocean Master? Was she loyal to him?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Larry Lance born?
2. What year did Looker begin her costumed career?
3. What year (and month, if applicable) did Looker join the Outsiders?
4. What year did Major Force begin his heroic career?
5. What year was Miss Arrowette born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year (and month, if applicable) did Livewire join the Outsiders?
2. What year did Everyman begin his costumed career?
3. What year did Fury begin her costumed career?
4. What year did Trajectory begin her costumed career?
5. What year did Olga Ilyich begin her Rocket Red career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Captain Atom begin his heroic career?
2. What year did Lucas Carr gain his A-designation?
3. What year did Catherine Cobert gain her A-designation?
4. What year did Jim Harper (the Roy clone) begin his heroic career?
5. What year did Livewire begin her criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Penguin begin his criminal career?
2. What year did Alfred Pennyworth enter service for the Wayne family?
3. What year was Two-Face born?
4. What year did Two-Face begin their criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Condiment King born?
2. What year did Condiment King begin his criminal career?
3. What year was Killer Croc born?
4. What year did Killer Croc begin his criminal career?
5. What year was Penguin born?

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Anonymous writes...

I have always appreciated YJ's pulling of characters or concepts from everything DC has a copyright on, and seeing Razer join Mercy Graves, Wendy and Marvin, El Dorado, etc in the cartoon-first club was great. I know he's busy and y'all have a plot already, but given the way characters can just come back on occasion, I hope he'll show up in season 42 with some plot-critical information Amistad and Artur need or something.

1. You said on twitter that including him was Brandon Vietti's idea, and I was wondering if you knew about the thought process. Was it more of a "We need someone to fill [x] role, what about Razer?" situation, or "Can we fit Razer in somewhere, since we're using GLs anyway?" Or something else? Although I recognize you might not know and that's okay, Vietti just doesn't have an askbox.

2. Since other "adjacent" stories happened, but with more presence from the team, is this the case with the Lantern stuff? (I kind of doubt it, since most of it was way off in space, but since I also kinda doubt you'll make a new season focusing on it, I figured I would ask...)

3. How did the various GLTAS actors and writers react when you and Vietti reached out to them?

I really only started watching/buying GLTAS in solidarity, and I thought I did a good job not getting attached to those characters I thought were doomed, so I had no idea I'd be so happy for an update on Razer and Kilowog. Thanks to everyone for that

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Anonymous writes...

So has Jay Garrick always been a public hero without a secret identity like from the very beginning of his career as the Flash or did he decide to keep it a secret at the start or was it like ah well I can't keep it a secret well no matter it's fine either way approach by Jay to all this.

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Chief Gontor writes...

Do you think Lian,Anissa,Arthur,Jon, Jennifer,Amistad and Don & dawn become heroes like thier parents in the future?

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Curious Anon writes...

Hi Greg! Got some questions that I have been thinking for some time.

1. I know Artemis is an adaptation from the comics, but I am curious if you took Mia Dearden as an inspiration for Artemis characters for YJ? (considering they both are the second sidekick)

2. Can you just give a little hint? Is the next season (5 and hopefully 6) will be focusing or introducing or inserting new heroes? Just like S2 and S3?

3. What is your first inspiration or the first thing in your mind that make you want to develop YJ?

4. Just wondering, is the light arc gonna end in the future seasons or they will always be the light in the show?

5. Would you like/support if one day a person pitch an idea to make a spin off based on YJ and set in the same earth? (Eg: JLA, JSA, etc)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, when will the Earth-16 versions of the Milestone characters get costume changes to match their Earth-M (Milestone Returns) counterparts?

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Anonymous writes...

I saw you say that the viewing numbers are better than ever but what exactly are we comparing here? The total number of streams the season has gotten? The individual episodes? The whole series? And are we just looking at the TV ratings of episode premieres or are we including the people who bought it on iTunes (throwback to when we got before the dawn in the top 10 and then cartoon network removed it) and watched reruns? I'm just curious if we can really compare it properly because I remember how difficult it was to watch the show live back in the day, the network was constantly putting it on hiatus, sometimes with no warning, and it didn't stream anywhere until it was put on Netflix. I'd sometimes have no idea an episode aired until the day after. And to be perfectly honest, I would watch it on illegal sites and I know I was far from the only one. The show being on HBO Max has made it accessible to a wide audience for the first time, so I'm wondering if it's a true increase in viewership or if it's just finally being collected in one place.

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Anonymous writes...

You're saying that it would be illogical for an atheist to exist in the Young Justice universe but you had Wally denying that magic exists when Zatara is right in front of his face? Make it make sense.

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Sackett become Mayor of Metropolis?
2. When would you say Bane began his criminal career?
3. What year was Joe Chill born?
4. What year was Cluemaster born?
5. What year did Cluemaster begin his criminal career?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Lois Lane begin working at the Daily Planet?
2. What year did Lex Luthor first meet Superman?
3. What year was Lionel Luthor born?
4. When did Bruno Mannheim begin his criminal career?
5. What year did Jimmy Olsen begin working at the Daily Planet?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Red Torpedo join the All-Star Squadron?
2. What month did the Justice Society of America form in 1940?
3. What month/year did the Justice Society of America shift to become the All-Star Squadron?
4. What year (and month, if applicable) did Cyborg join the Justice League?
5. What year (and month, if applicable) did Jay Garrick join the Justice League? Was it part of a recruitment wave or did he have an open invitation like Dick, Conner, and M'gann were stated to have in "Happy New Year"?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year was Dragon King born?
2. What year was Rod Reilly/Firebrand I born?
3. What year did Rod Reilly/Firebrand I begin his costumed career?
4. What year was Henry Heywood born?
5. What year did Firebrand/Red Inferno join the All-Star Squadron?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What year did Amazing Man begin his costumed career?
2. Did Amazing Man join the All-Star Squadron? In what year?
3. What year was Al Pratt/Atom I born?
4. What year was Crimson Avenger born?
5. What year was Doctor Mid-Nite born?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Kilowag's mentioning of Razer eventually wielding "rainbow powers" seems to hint/imply that Razer's quest to find Aya may involve him obtaining the power rings from the other Lantern Corps and him becoming the White Lantern and using the power of life to probably bring Aya back. Am I correct in this interpretation? Besides, I honestly wish to see the Earth-16 version of Aya one day; seeing her reunite with Razer and her other friends, and even potentially interacting with the rest of Earth-16's heroes.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since you confirmed that the events of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" is "Canon Adjacent," and since Kilowag had mentioned that it had been about four years since Razer was last seen, it is obviously clear that the Earth-16 version of the events of the animated series took place in 2016. HOWEVER, given that the animated series lasted only one season, when exactly did the Earth-16 version of the events started and ended, respectively, during the year of 2016?

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Dante writes...

As a African American Im a big fan from s1 s2 I like and respect what you do and done. I am asking if you can consider to adapt more on the Black ethnic superheroes groups with appearances on scenes more such as Icon, Vixen, Static, Naomi, Starlight, Thunder etc. Not only appearances but possibly better story telling of those diverse characters you have. the story arc for Rocket so far is pretty dull where getting to know her more contradicts her character appearances and insight on issues that happen in s1&2 with her friendships w/ superboy and atermis. (Rage & daddy issues) with s4 views on Orion she struggling to accept him. 2 episodes in and not enough of rocket being shown in positive cool way. There are huge amounts of different black groups that watch your show with different personalities please showcase our skin/behaviour in a better way. To be inclusive is to consider our hair as not every hair style with your black female characters bumblebee and rocket have that short Rihanna buzz cut. Please continue to consider the future of the black youth that enjoy your amazing show.

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Anonymous writes...

I’ve seen countless comments in the past few days from people who’ve decided to finally catch up on Young Justice in order to see Razer again. It also seems like you’re saving Nightwing’s arc for last, the most famous and popular protagonist on the show.
Am I correct in assuming this is all an intentional, May sweeps-style, strategy to generate hype and attention in the final stretch of the season or is this instead simply just how the story you’re telling needed to unfold?

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Jackson writes...

By any chance is Mary Bromfield a foil to Arsenal (Roy Harper)? If so then can you explain how and why?

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Anonymous writes...

I miss when the show was about the team. It was such a cool and unique concept, why would you replace it with a knock off teen titans? And then not even develop the knock off teen titans in the same way? Why should I care about them? Without the team, it does not even feel like Young Justice anymore.

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Anonymous writes...

I am honestly concerned that you’re letting the twitter crowd influence you too much…i know it’s a necessary evil for promotion but you should be aware that the people on there do not represent the whole population. it’s become a really nasty place over the last few years, people there can only deal in absolutes: someone/thing is either the best thing in the world and above all criticism or evil and must be destroyed. did you see how the will smith oscar incident got turned into a race issue where anyone who criticized what will did was branded a racist? the whole site turned on zoe kravitz for saying something when they were obsessing over her a few days earlier and literally accused her of being a pedo based on one line from an interview. right now young justice is beloved there and anyone who dares to share an opinion is attacked - and to be perfectly frank, it often happens after you reply to them. yes it is good for the show to have them on your side because they’ll keep it trending every week but be careful not to get too tangled up with them, they will turn on you in a second.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

How much information in this link is also true in the Earth-16 universe?


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Yojimbo writes...

Some questions pertaining to Young Justice: Phantoms "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge!"

1. What month and year in the 31st century did the United Planets parole the Kryptonians imprisoned in the Phantom Zone?

2. What year did Dru-Zod stage a coup on Krypton?

3. What year was the truce made between New Genesis and Apokolips?

4. What month and year did Razer first put on the Red Lantern ring on Volkrieg?

5. Is the female Forager from the Mountain Hive voiced by Nika Futterman based on the second Forager from the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If a Martian shape-shifts to a form that is halfway between their natural Martian form and a humanoid form (like what J'onn J'onzz uses), how would you be able to visualize it, and can you please show us what it would possibly look like in a drawing or something? Would such a form likely look similar to that of the appearance of the White Martian Z'kran Z'rann; a character from the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, does an A'ashenn M'hontrr (White Martian Manhunter) named Z'kran Z'rann exist in the Earth-16 universe? In the comics, this character was an White Martian who became one of the first seven Green Lanterns 10 billion years ago; as depicted in the comic series, "Green Lanterns." If this character existed in the Earth-16 universe, would he have been regarded as a legendary figure and as an inspiration to all M'hontrrs (Manhunters) on Mars?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman
1-how many active green lanterns are there?
2-how big is sector 2814? (Is it limited to our solar system?) If it is bigger why do earth's green lanterns spend most of their time on earth and don't spend time on thousands of other planets?
3-is oa the center of universe?
4-how big is the place patrolled by green lantern corps? Is it only the milkey way galaxy or is it the universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there
1-does the green lantern power ring need to be recharged? If so how often do lanterns recharge their rings? (Consider normal power usage)
2-what abilities does the life support aura (the green aura surrounding theri bodies) give them besides providing oxygen? Do they need to eat or sleep with that aura? Does it take care of their waste?
3-does the aura mentioned above make lanterns bulletproof?
4-does the power ring grant them super strength?
5-Could they support the weight of a cargo ship or something with cunstructs?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If Zatanna had chosen some better/wiser/different words to explain why Mary could not wear the Helmet of Fate, would Mary have still have angrily left after being rejected as a potential host for the Helmet of Fate, or would Mary have understood/heeded the wisdom of Zatanna's words and therefore work to try to be better in order to overcome her power addiction?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What were Icon's previous professions during his long life on Earth prior to become a lawyer in the present day?

#2. Why did it take Rocket to convince Icon to become a superhero? Were there personal fears/concerns that prevented him from making that choice himself multiple times prior?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, Black Lightning placed an emphasis on mental health in direct response to Geo-Force's betrayal in the Season 3 finale and what he himself went through during the entire Season 3? Or were there more reasons besides these two reasons I mentioned?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following biological family relationships correct for each person’s perspective in the Earth-16 universe? If not, please explain why.

#1. Jor-El’s Biological Family Relationships:

Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (wife)
Kal-El (son)
Lois Joanne Lane-Kent (daughter-in-law)
Jonathan Samuel “Jonny” Kent (grandson)
Zor-El (brother)
Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (sister-in-law)
Kara Zor-El (niece)

#2. Zor-El’s Biological Family Relationships:

Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (wife)
Kara Zor-El (daughter)
Jor-El (brother)
Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (sister-in-law)
Kal-El (nephew)
Lois Joanne Lane-Kent (niece-in-law)
Jonathan Samuel “Jonny” Kent (great-nephew)

NOTE: I did not include Superboy (Kon-El/ Conner Kent) in each person’s relationship list because I do not know what his relationship would be with them.

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A Nony Mouse writes...

Is Staghart, Leo and Una’s biological son?

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Jackson writes...

By any chance is Geo-Force (Brion Markov) a foil to Arsenal (Roy Harper)? If so then can you explain how and why?

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Kalito writes...

After Roy was invited to rejoin the Team by Artemis in "The Prize" are any of the heroes trying to make sure Arsenal (Roy Harper) doesn't end up like Vandal Savage, Black Adam (Teth Adam), Ra's al Ghul, and Geo-Force (Brion Markov) after what happened in "Nevermore"?

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Paladin writes...

Hi Greg !
Just read an answer you gave to someone talking about religion, and you said that it's difficult to represent atheists on YJ because of the elements you introduced on the show :

" I'd love to be more inclusive of atheists. I aspire to be an atheist myself, but frankly I'm too superstitious. And I don't know how - in the fantasy world of Earth-16, which includes things like ghosts, phantoms, souls, demons, gods, etc. - to make space for true atheism, which is a philosophy I find most admirable in real life."

Now, I have a question, that I'm sure you will find interesting : how someone can still be religious in the fantasy world of earth-16 ????
Because you objectively demonstrated dozens of things that contradict religions.
Some examples :
- religion said the earth is 6000 years old --> Vandal Savage is 50000 years old.
- religion said the universe was created in 6 days --> you showed the YJ universe is 16 billions years old.
- religion never mentioned extraterrestrial life --> I think we can admit that aliens exist in earth-16 (lol).

And we could go on like that for days. Now, very religious people will come and tell me I'm full of approximation, that it's more complicated, and so on...
But the fact remains, whatever those people may say, that your show is contradicting religious allegations.

SO, don't you think it's nonsensical and inconsistent to have introduced religions in YJ, and that they don't have their place in this universe, because it OBJECTIVELY demonstrated they're WRONG ?

I'm personally an agnostic atheist, which doesn't mean I hate religions, I just find they don't have their place in your show. Don't you agree ?

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Anonymous writes...

In Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge, Kilowog said no communication between him and Razer for four years. That sets the events of the parting in team year 6, which is also when the events of Young Justice Invasion takes place. Did you do this as a nod to how both Young Justice and Green Lantern Tas had their finales air together on March 16, 2013 or is there also a deeper reason like it fits better with the Timeline or is it both the factors.

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FanternForever writes...

So really loved that you did the GLTAS themed episode,
1. I am curious about how did you guys decide to use music at the end of Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge mirror similar to the one in the green lantern tas finale, whose idea was this, are musical choices like these decided like at the scripting of the episode or is it done after the episode is animated and done?
2. Tying in Razer with the theme of Acceptance and Hope for a better future, yes I can see why you tied this to the rocket's arc. Did you guys have an idea that you would get so much positive reception for doing this or was it a surprise.
3. The Episode is titled "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge" but the character is named Razer with an "e" in the credits so why this change in spelling, cause Razor means instrument an instrument with sharp sets of blades while Razer means A person who razes something. Is there a reason for this spelling change.
4. So now that you have come around to multiple lantern corps do Orange Lantern, Star Sapphire and Indigo Tribe work on Earth 16.
5. Whose Idea was it to make Razer a composite Lantern i.e both red and blue simultaneously cause that idea is a master stroke and deserves my thanks.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Would Razer make a good candidate for the Justice League reserves if Black Lightning and Superman knew about him?

2. How come La’gaan and Arsenal (Roy Harper) aren't candidates for the Justice League reserves?

3. Out of the 24 candidates for the new Justice League reserves displayed on-screen 4 of them are being covered by Superman and Black Lightning's heads respectively. Who are those four?

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Doesn't Matter writes...

So. People have asked about the various things. My question is... Why was Jaime not permanently affected by the ghost dimension in Season 3? Was it because he's actually an unactivated meta? Or can the beetle "reverse the damage" the ghost dimension otherwise would have done to Jaime despite not being compatible with the technology while active? Or was it something else?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I made a mistake in an earlier posting. Here is the CORRECT portion of that posting.

#3. Bette Kane’s Biological Family Relationships:

Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Thomas Wayne (paternal uncle)
Martha Kane-Wayne (paternal aunt)
Bruce Wayne (paternal cousin)
Damian (first cousin)
Jacob “Jake” Kane (paternal uncle)
Gabrielle Lorna “Gabi” Goldstein-Kane (paternal aunt)
Katherine Rebecca “Kate” Kane (paternal cousin)
Elizabeth Marie “Beth” Kane (paternal cousin)
Nathan Kane (paternal uncle)
Philip Walton Kane (paternal uncle)

In the previous posting, I actually identified Nathan Kane as Bette's maternal uncle; when it is ACTUALLY supposed to be PATERNAL. Sorry about that! :)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following biological family relationships correct in the Earth-16 universe? If not, please explain why.

#1. Bruce Wayne’s Biological Family Relationships:

Thomas Wayne (father)
Martha Kane-Wayne (mother)
Damian (son)
Jacob “Jake” Kane (maternal uncle)
Gabrielle Lorna “Gabi” Goldstein-Kane (maternal aunt)
Katherine Rebecca “Kate” Kane (maternal cousin)
Elizabeth Marie “Beth” Kane (maternal cousin)
Unnamed maternal uncle (Bette Kane’s father)
Unnamed maternal aunt (Bette Kane’s mother)
Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane (maternal cousin)
Nathan Kane (maternal uncle)
Philip Walton Kane (maternal uncle)

#2. Kate Kane’s Biological Family Relationships:

Jacob “Jake” Kane (father)
Gabrielle Lorna “Gabi” Goldstein-Kane (mother)
Elizabeth Marie “Beth” Kane (twin sister)
Thomas Wayne (paternal uncle)
Martha Kane-Wayne (paternal aunt)
Bruce Wayne (paternal cousin)
Damian (first cousin)
Unnamed paternal uncle (Bette Kane’s father)
Unnamed paternal aunt (Bette Kane’s mother)
Mary Elizabeth “Bette” Kane (paternal cousin)
Nathan Kane (paternal uncle)
Philip Walton Kane (paternal uncle)

#3. Bette Kane’s Biological Family Relationships:

Unnamed father
Unnamed mother
Thomas Wayne (paternal uncle)
Martha Kane-Wayne (paternal aunt)
Bruce Wayne (paternal cousin)
Damian (first cousin)
Jacob “Jake” Kane (paternal uncle)
Gabrielle Lorna “Gabi” Goldstein-Kane (paternal aunt)
Katherine Rebecca “Kate” Kane (paternal cousin)
Elizabeth Marie “Beth” Kane (paternal cousin)
Nathan Kane (maternal uncle)
Philip Walton Kane (paternal uncle)

NOTE #1: Martha, Nathan, Philip, Jacob, and an unnamed man (Bette Kane’s father) are siblings in the Kane family, but it is unclear as to the order of oldest to youngest amongst them. Martha is the only one who has appeared in some form in the Earth-16 universe; her brothers have NOT yet made an appearance.

NOTE #2: I assume that Damian will likely only be addressed as first cousin to Kate and Bette in the Earth-16 universe. In the DC Database Wiki, he is identified as Kate’s first cousin once removed and as Bette’s first cousin; specifically in Prime Earth continuity.

NOTE #3: In regards to the full names on the lists, I am assuming that any “nicknames” used are placed between the middle and last names. I do not know if that also applies in Earth-16 canon for them and other people; if this is NOT correct, please correct them accordingly.

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Logan Johnson writes...

Since you said that Green Lantern:TAS is YJ adjacent, would Batman: Under the Red Hood also be YJ adjacent?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is the following missing relationships correct from the point of view of Earth-16's version of Zor-El?

Lara-El (formerly Lara Lor-Van) (sister-in-law)
Alura-El (formerly Alura In-Ze) (wife)
Kara Zor-El (daughter)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I just realized something important after the recent YJ episode (at the time of this posting): IF "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" is now "canon adjacent," and a similar but distinct version of the events in that short-lived cartoon series happened in the Earth-16 universe, it would ALSO mean that this is the FIRST-EVER instance in which a DC Comics-related animated work that you were NOT personally involved in whatsoever is considered "canon adjacent."

This would mean it would also be somehow be possible for other DC Comics-related animated works to somehow be "canon adjacent" in some form. For example, perhaps the animated movie, "Batman: Under the Red Hood," could potentially be "canon adjacent," but only in regards to those specific storyline elements involving Jason Todd's origins, the circumstances of his death, and how his body was secretly taken by Ra's al Ghul to be resurrected in the Lazarus Pit. Does that make sense to you?

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Anonymous writes...

1. If Green Lantern: The Animated Series were to get a second season or some sort of comic book continuation, do you think Brandon and yourself would try to maintain continuity with it going forwards, or was this more like two ships passing in the night?
1b. Have you discussed this possibility with Giancarlo and Jim? Do you believe they would try to respect things established in Young Justice?
2. There was an episode of Justice League Action which similarly continued plot points from GL:TAS. Is that episode also Young Justice canon adjacent?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When was Lor-Zod's mother born?
2. When was Lighning Lad born?
3. When was Brainiac 5 born?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When was Razer born?
2. When was Tomar-Re born?
3. When was Kilowog born?
4. When was Jor-El born?
5. When was Zor-El born?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In Issue #6 of "Wonder Woman: Black and Gold," a character named Berchta was introduced. Here's a link that talks about the character:


My question to you is what are the chances of you possibly introducing us to the Earth-16 version of this extremely dangerous Amazon?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Razar's search for Aya seems to imply that the events of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" are "canon adjacent" to the Earth-16 universe. Is this true, or did I make an incorrect interpretation? If the latter, please explain how you made the connection between the two non-related series work.

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Anonymous writes...

In Regards to Earth-16's Tomar-Re:

#1. How long has he been a Green Lantern prior to to events of Season 4?

#2. Was he born on the planet Xudar and, as such, his people are identified as Xudarians?

#3. Does he protect Space Sector 2813?

#4. Prior to becoming a Green Lantern, was he an accomplished scientist on his homeworld?

#5. How old is he, in terms of human biological equivalent years and in actual Earth years (assuming he is older than he actually looks)?

#6. Did he attempted to help save Krypton (which was in his space sector) and ultimately failed; just like in the comics?

#7. Does he have a son named Tomar-Tu?

In Regards to Earth-16's Kilowag:

#1. How long has he been a Green Lantern prior to to events of Season 4?

#2. Was he born on the planet Bolovax Vik and, as such, his people were identified as Bolovaxians; assuming that he is the only survivor like in the comics?

#3. Does he protect Space Sector 674?

#4. Prior to becoming a Green Lantern, what was his profession on his homeworld?

#5. How old is he, in terms of human biological equivalent years and in actual Earth years (assuming he is older than he actually looks)?

#6. Did his gain his Green Lantern ring after his predecessor, Branwilla (a female Bolovaxian), was killed (presumably in the line of duty)?

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Moon Dreamer writes...

I have some questions about Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge:

1. How come M'Comm did not read Lor-Zod's mind when he is questioning him in the Time Sphere?

2. Given the fact that no Martians (not even Saturn Girl) would be able to detect his mind if Lor-Zod is in the Time Sphere, does that mean M'Comm's mind-reading would not have worked when he is in the Time Sphere with Lor-Zod and Mantis?

3. In the comics, the Time Sphere was created by Brainiac 5, who made an appearance in the episode in a flashback. In the Earth-16 universe, did Brainiac 5 also created the Time Sphere?

4. Who decided that Jason Spisak (voice of Wally) and Michael Kevin Richardson would again voice Razer and Kilowog, respectively?

5. Was Green Lantern: The Animated Series the reason you guys chose for them to reprise their roles?

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Jason R Carter writes...

1. Is the new young actor voicing Amistad actually autistic, or just that good an actor?

2. Why is Highfather's name Iyaza here when, in the comics, it's Izaya?

3. Since most of the Gargoyles voice actors have already appeared on Young Justice, are there any chances of Jonathan Frakes or Salli Richardson-Whitfield doing voices?

4. How likely is Earth-16 Peacemaker to break into dance when "Do You Really Wanna Taste It?" by Wig Wam hits?

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Blueberry Baskets writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I technically enjoyed watching Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge. I like how the series are dealing with Razer. I enjoyed watching Green Lantern: The Animated Series on Cartoon Network all those years ago, which was also cancelled along with Young Justice much to the fans' disappointment.

I liked the story about Razer in that series. I remember seeing him at the end that there is a blue lantern ring coming up, which indicates had the series not gotten cancelled (along with Young Justice) Razer would been a Blue Lantern. I have wondered what Razer would have looked like as a Blue Lantern. But in episode 419, we see that Razer's red lantern appearance and civilian appearance is the exact same as the one in the Green Lantern animated series. I am guessing that had the series continued like Young Justice we would seen Razer in his blue lantern appearance and how he eventually discovered that both the red and blue lantern rings are perfect for him, am I correct?

Would we had as well as seen him in his appearance in both red and blue lantern form?

Razer was a character created specifically for the Green Lantern: the Animated Series, so why have you and the other decided to focus on Razer in Rocket's story arc?

How were you allowed to use him and his appearance as a Red Lantern and a civilian on his home planet?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. You've said before that when the show was first being created you weren't allowed to use certain characters which of course you later on were granted permission to use. My question is basically what would you have done if you never were allowed to use those characters? For the Wonder Girls of course other characters could fill those roles, and really you didn't need Ted Kord, but he was nice to have. But when it comes to Darkseid he became really an integral part of the show. His feud with Vandal Savage is one of the backbones of the show. Do you think the plot would be much different if he was still not allowed to be used? Or would things carry out with just someone else in his place?

Thanks for the response. Hoping we soon enough hear that Season 5 will be coming.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge!":

#1. Now that we know that other the Lantern Corps DO exist in the Earth-16 universe (given the Red and Blue Lantern rings), should we assume that the oaths that each respective Lantern Corps are the same as in the comics?

#2. When Lor-Zod explained his origins, there was a mentioning of Jor-El's brother, Zor-El; who is Kal-El's paternal uncle. As such, does this mean that Kal-El's paternal cousin, Kara Zor-El, also exists in the Earth-16 universe?

#3. Since Krypton's destruction was the result of its red sun (which I assume is called Rao) exploding in the Earth-16 universe, does that mean that Jor-El's failed attempt to warn his people about Krypton's inevitable destruction is the same as in the comics?

#4. Just so I can understand correctly, it seems that Mon-El does not appear to exist in the original version of Earth-16's 31st century; prior to Lor-Zod's time travel. However, if the timeline changes enough in Earth-16's present era, does that mean that he will exist in the new version of the 31st century? The reason I am asking this question is because in the post-Rebirth era of DC Comics, Mon-El is a 31st Century descendant of the House of El, but he is also directly related to Zod's family; with Lor-Zod being his grandfather, and Lor-Zod's parents being his great-grandparents.

#5. This was the second mentioning that Superboy was supposed to be involved in a significant historical event that is supposed to happen in 2030. Now I'm assuming that this will NOT happen in Season 4; HOWEVER, is it safe to assume that this event is somehow connected to inevitable conflict that will occur between Vandal Savage and Darkseid?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How old is Ursa in universe 16 ? 2. How tall is Saturn girl in universe 16 ? 3 Did you ever consider Jeff Bennett for the voice of Tomar re before giving the role to Dee Bradley Baker instead?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Wiesman 1. How old are the universe !6 versions of Kilowog and Tomar re? 2. How old is the universe 16 version of Razor (thank you for bringing him back!) and how long have he and Metron known Each other? 3. Who Wrote the Birthday song Forager and B. F. ( my nickname for the Female version to avoid confusion) sing to jay Garrick Flash ? 4. In light of her work as a Comp. lit Professor has Artemis shown signs of Myopia recently ?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Based on the latest episode "Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge", does this mean that Young Justice and Green Lantern: The Animated Series share the same continuity?

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walkie writes...

I can't believe no one has asked this before, but I searched the archives and couldn't find it.

Was the Original Roy in the secret room in Cadmus for all of season 1?

If so, why was he not found when Superboy found the room? Did Superboy report absolutely none of what happened to the League to conceal the shields?

Obviously Guardian was controllable, but did Spence/Dubilex not think to go through and clear out the place at all?

Clearly the fact that they were knocked out in the finale suggests they were not so easily manipulated. (They may not have known who/what Roy was, but you'd think the similarities to their boss and the missing arm/human appearance would raise questions if they found him)

And why did the Light not move him before the finale, after Lex gave Superboy the shields? Seems like a pretty big loose end that they just left out there that could have unraveled their entire plan early.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just so I can understand this correctly, the reason why the three members of Infinity Inc. were in Markovia and bowing to down to King Brion is because they were publicly disgraced by the media after Lex Luthor's secrets were publicly revealed at the United Nations, and the trio had nowhere else to go for safe haven?

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Samuel Bronson writes...

Hey Greg, hope you're doing well and I believe as the time of me writing this question its your anniversary, so happy anniversary man. I wanted to ask you a question that has had its topic brought up before, but my question is somewhat different. I recently gave The Spectacular Spiderman a rewatch and have found a new love and appreciation for it, back when I was a kid I loved this show but now that I'm 16 it hit much harder being able to fully understand the story and its themes. You've truly created a master piece, and I was pretty much depressed for a couple of days after I found out it got cancelled and that its in some legal shark territory. However, in my obsession I was reviewing the contract made between Sony and Marvel and apparently Sony is allowed to make animated movies or episodes of Spiderman longer than 45 minutes. I've heard you had a spring break movie planned that was coming after season 2 and since technically Sony is allowed to do this I was wondering if there is any hope of the beloved show returning? Even if not a movie do you think Sony and Marvel could work out a deal or if Sony could license the tv rights from Marvel to finish the show? I'm no business executive and I don't know the finances and costs of this hypothetical dilemma but I would just love to see the show back. And well if the answer is a dead no or a slim chance, thanks anyways for creating my childhood and my favorite show of all time. (yes really)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe...

#1. Is Fury's real name Erika Storn?

#2. Is Everyman's real name Hannibal Bates?

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Anonymous writes...

So this wasn't clear the last time I asked from your response but just to reiterate during Mad Hatter's mind control with nanobots we will continue to retain our personalities even if that means doing bad puns and innuendo based jokes despite us doing the things against our will like Livewire did when she fought against black lightning when under the control of mad hatter so like she may have wanted to do not fight black lightning but still couldn't help come of as confident and snark.

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Max writes...

Hello, I’m a huge fan of young justice, and I’m just concerned it will be end and there won’t be any lingering content from it. Things such as Superboy and Miss Martian’s relationship aren’t really present in the comics. I love the world you’ve made with these characters and I want them to enter the more mainstream view of the characters similar to how the Teen Titans show solidified so many people’s views on who the characters are.I was wondering if you had any plans on ending the show or if there was news on it’s renewal?

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Anonymous writes...

Were there any purist beside danuuth who continued to serve ocean master?

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Myrdin writes...

1. Over at the Young Justice Wiki there is a question as to If the Justice League (or the associated under teams) get any sort of Wage. You have previously mentioned a 'stipend', but did not elaborate. Could it be considered significant enough to call a Wage?
2. Could you be persuaded comment on This question and maybe a few others) on the Wiki itself?

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Highfather in this universe called Iyaza, while in the comics he's called Izaya?
Was that a conscious name change for the character or was it an error to late to change?

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Anonymous writes...

FYI - just because someone is critical about how the show has changed to focus on social issues doesn't mean they're racist or homophobic. While there is a vocal minority that is just mad about seeing diversity in a superhero show, more often than not, what people mean is that the focus on social issues is coming at the expense of telling a good story and/or it feels like you're trying to address too many issues and it's coming off as performative.

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Michael Broder writes...

How old is Psycho-Pirate and what's his origin story?

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Matt Itelson writes...

Has anyone ever been benched from the Team before? (aside from Halo)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Is Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent) considered to be the second adoptive son of Jonathan and Martha Kent; presumably since in-between the events of Seasons One and Two of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What are the names of Perdita's parents?

#2. Just to confirm, Count Vertigo is Perdita's maternal uncle because he and Perdita's mother are siblings, correct? The reason I ask is because, in the Young Justice Wiki, Count Vertigo is referred to as Perdita's maternal uncle in his own character page, while Perdita is referred to as Count Vertigo's sororal niece on her own character page. I mean, what does that mean?

#3. When Miss Martian learned that Garfield and Perdita broke up, and Miss Martian talked to Perdita off-screen, did Miss Martian had to explain to Perdita that Garfield's self-destructive behavior was because of how badly he had likely been affected by Superboy's death on Mars (which I assume that Perdita was NOT aware of at all)? As such, do you think that Perdita would be able to forgive Garfield for his behavior if Miss Martian explains to her why he is acting the way that he is?

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