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The Phoenix Gate

Unanswered Questions


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Ryan Leger writes...

What's season 5 gonna be called? "Young Justice: Targets", "Young Justice: Doomsday", "Young Justice: Unjustified", "Young Justice: Unjust", "Young Justice: Justified", "Young Justice: Injustice", "Young Justice: Regime", "Young Justice: Insurgency", "Young Justice: Legion", "Young Justice: Bloodlines", "Young Justice: DarkSide", "Young Justice: WarWorld", "Young Justice: Darkness" or "Young Justice: Apocalypse"?

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Ryan Leger writes...

How does human Kryptonian mix breeding work? Superboy/Conner can't fly and doesn't have heat vision yet Superman/Clark's son, Jonny Kent can fly? Does human DNA suppress the same Kryptonian powers or just a random pair?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Can Superman fly/breath in space?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Can Superman fly/breath space?

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Anonymous writes...

Can Victor Stone/Cyborg fly using his jet repulsors?

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Duy Tano writes...

I would like to invite you to my small but growing (2600 subscribers at the moment) YouTube channel, The Comics Cube, in which I interview a variety of comics creators. With Gargoyles coming back in comics form, I think it would be truly insightful to discuss. I've also interviewed some animation creators such as Dan Riba, Rob Pratt, Geoff Thorne, and Josie Campbell. Also, I'm a huge Gargoyles fan!


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Elan Ceres writes...

Why Greg did you choose to have as part of young justice comic targets story to have Garfield to still have video messages from Perdita on his phone to look at when Garfield is waiting at hub go with the other outsiders to rescue Perdita if you had no plan for Garfield and Perdita to back together as a couple again after the heroes rescue Perdita?

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Jan Rott writes...

Hello and sorry,
I miscalculated something for this question [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=28825]. On Avalon, six months would be roughly twelve years. According to you, if Ophelia laid an egg in 2008, and gargoyles carry the eggs in their bodies for six months before laying them, she would have been pregnant roughly since late 1995, early 1996.
If it is to remain that Ophelia and possibly other female gargoyles of the Avalon clan laid eggs in 2008, were they pregnant shortly before or after the archmage's attack?

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Jan Rott writes...

In that old answer [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=1627] they meant that Ophelia would lay an egg in 2008. But the gargoyles are supposed to carry the eggs for six months before they lay it. Since six months on Avalon is roughly 14 years, she must have been pregnant since 1993 or 94. This means that she and possibly the other females were at risk during the Archmage's attack.
Should it stay with this setting or will something change?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I realize that you might be getting sick of clothing questions, but I've been wondering about this one for a while.

1. How do the Gargoyles acquire clothing in the clans who have appeared so far?

2. Does each clan have a different system for obtaining and/or making clothes? If so, what are they?

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Kyle JR writes...

Why didn't Peridia not offer Garfield to restart dating each other after Garfield help save her from the kidnappers?

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Arthur Blake writes...

Why was Garfield to scared to call Perdita to apologize to her for breaking up with her and ask her to get back with him in a relationship shortly after he begin concealing meetings with black Canary?

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Ukueberuwa writes...

During the time between young justice phantoms and young justice targets Why didn't beast boy not blame the outsiders and black canary for the loss of his dating couple relationship with Perdita and only blame himself for the breakup?

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Roberto Gualtieri writes...

After young justice season 4 phantoms and before young justice comic targets events why did Tara not tell Perdita that Garfield regrets breakup with Perdita and missing Perdita?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Even though the Earth-16 version of Damian Wayne does NOT have his last name confirmed yet in-universe, I'm going to make an educated guess on his family tree. Please correct me if any of the following below are incorrect.

#1. Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul are Damian's parents.

#2. Kate Kane, Beth Kane (Kate's twin sister), and Bette Kane are Damian's first cousins, once removed.*

#3. Kate's and Beth's parents (Jacob and Gabrielle Kane) and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed parents are Damian's great-uncles and great-aunts.*

#4. Ra's al Ghul and Melisande are Damian's maternal grandparents.

#5. Thomas and Martha Wayne are Damian's paternal grandparents.

*Would Damian's relationships with these family members be considered paternal from his point-of-view?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Is Jane Nassour's maiden name Nelson?

#2. If the answer to question #1 is true, then what are the names of Kent Nelson's brother and sister-in-law?

#3. Is Khalid Nassour's full name "Khalid Kent Nassour," like in the comics ("Doctor Fate: The Blood Price")?

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Roland writes...

If Queen Perdita could use zeta tubes to travel before conner and M'gann and Garfield travel to mars for conner and M'gann mars wedding, then why did Perdita not use zeta tubes to go Hub to visit Garfield first week or second week after Garfield return to earth on a day she was down all her queen duties for that day?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Dick and Zatanna break up in 2013?

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Sorted writes...

Why didn't Garfield ask Perdita to restart their dating relationship after she was reuse from her kidnapers by the heroes and i if he did why did she refuse?

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Sunak writes...

Alot of young justice fans believe if season 5 was made
season 5 events would happen in 2030 when Superboy does his thing that inspire the formation of legion of superheroes in 31 century and in the last scene the episode bloodlines happy harbor is still a wasteland in 2056 and this remines fans of injustice comic superboy falls to shield beast boy from a nuclear expulsion and these young justice fans don't want a season 5 because the young justice fans believe you will kill beast boy off in young justice season 5. So, what is your response to the young justice fans about this?

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Danny writes...

I'm really fascinated by the ever-shifting geopolitics on display with Qurac and Bialya throughout the series; it's something you almost never get to see in superhero media and really adds to how lived-in the you and your creative team have built world feels, which is by far one of my favourite aspects of the show.

That all being said, I still have a few questions about it:

1) When did Queen Bee become the Queen of Bialya?

2) When was Rumaan Harjavti elected to serve as President of Qurac?

3) When was Rumaan assassinated?

4) When did Ali become a bodyguard for the Harjavti family?

5) Has Ali been given a surname and if so, what is it?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Steel (John Henry Irons), is his origin story (especially his past as a brilliant weapons engineer) and his reasons for becoming a hero (especially if Superman inspired him in some way) the same as his mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) counterpart? If not, then what are the key differences in John Henry Irons' history between the mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) and the Young Justice animated universe (Earth-16)?

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Delon writes...

Did Garfield Logan did date queen Perdita in the history that Bart grew up knowing before Bart (Impulse) went back into time to 2016 and if so, did Garfield breakup with Perdita in that version of history that Impulse grew up knowing before he travels back in tine in episode bloodlines?

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE? The Earth-16 versions of Kate Kane's parents

#1. The names of Kate Kane's parents are Jacob Kane and Gabrielle Kane.

#2. Jacob Kane's nickname is "Jake" and Gabrielle Kane's nickname is "Gabi."

#3. Kate Kane's parents are soldiers in the United States Army.

#4. Jacob Kane is a member of the 3rd Special Forces Group.

#5. Gabrielle Kane is a member of the 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade.

#6. Jacob and Gabrielle Kane are Bruce Wayne's maternal uncle and aunt; respectively.

#7. Jacob and Gabrielle Kane are Bette Kane's paternal uncle and aunt; respectively.

#8. Gabrielle Kane (along with Kate's twin sister, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane) tragically died in a hostage situation when Kate was 12 years old; like in the comics.

#9. After the deaths of his Gabrielle and Beth, Jacob raised Kate all by himself.

#10. Jacob Kane never liked Thomas Wayne and blamed Thomas post-mortem for Martha's death; like in the comics (as depicted in the funeral flashback in "Detective Comics" issue #939).

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Anonymous writes...

If the Earth-16 version of Bette Kane does not become Flamebird or Hawkfire (like in the comics), then what are the chances that she could become Batgirl (considering no one has taken on the mantle in the Earth-16 universe ever since Barbara Gordon was paralyzed and became Oracle)?

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Elijah writes...

After Garfield return to earth from mars Why didn't the time traveler Bart Allen not tell Garfield logan that conner was not dead before Perdita came visit Garfield at the hub?

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Robert Martin writes...

What would you say to me wanting to reboot the gargoyles with a prequel and a basic first seaaon movie? Kind of like the newer star trek in a sense.

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Kate Bowen writes...

Why you Greg make the choice that as part of the young justice story that Garfield and Perdita would date one another if you intended to have couple dating relationship to end cause by Garfield wrong believing he cause Superboy die to only to show that conner was in the phantoms zone?

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Caviezel writes...

Why did you decide the young justice adult Garfield logan will be singe just like his adult dc comic version is?

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Mr. Ricky Bobby The Third writes...

What you Greg Weisman think about the young justice fans are upset with you to have as part of the plot of young justice phantoms to have beast boy believe he cause superboy to die on mars and that make beast boy to have depression problems which cause beast boy to break Perdita's heart to only show later in in phantoms conner is not dead later have Conner and m'gann get back together in the end of the season 4 but Perdita and beast boy do not get back to together at end of young justice phantoms season nor have beast and Perdita get back together in a dating relationship at the end of issue 6 of young justice comic targets?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Juan Cordero supposed to be the Earth-16 equivalent of John Corben, OR does John Corben also exists in the Earth-16 universe but has NOT yet become Metallo?

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Mikayla writes...

Mr. Greg why did you choose to make the young justice comic story targets?

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Troy writes...

Greg why did HBOMAX choose to not renew young justice for season 5?

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Anonymous writes...

What DOES it mean in the logline of young justice comic targets issue 6 that issue 6 has a hear wrenching ending despite Perdita is recued at the end?

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tom writes...

in image after queen bee left did mgann get a chance to talk to garfield (did he wake up)

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Glassford Crossfield writes...

What do I have to do to get you on my podcast?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I've read through all 6 issues of "Young Justice: Targets." Thank you for giving us this series. I hope that more "Young Justice" stories come out in comics at some point in the near future... since... you know... until Season 5 comes out...

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Ashton writes...

Do you plan on making Young Justice season five in comic form if you don’t get another season? I’ve been a huge fan of the show and I want to see how it continues.

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Verdragon writes...

Was casting Yuri Lowenthal as Icicle Jr. in any way influenced by him voicing Iceman in Wolverine and the X-Men a year prior to Young Justice, or was it just sheer coincidence?

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Juan writes...

If a member of the Third race is in the basking in gluttony and they accidentally eat or take a bite of something with iron.Do they die instantly or get sick?

Congratulations on getting Gargoyles to continue in comic book form I can't wait!!!!I miss these characters.

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JTS writes...

This is a Gargoyles question I have been thinking about asking for years and in light of its upcoming return (which I will be buying as a matter of urgency) feels appropriate to ask now:

The vast majority of human style magic (aka the sort we see used by mortal practitioners such as the Magus, the Archmage & ironically enough Demona) is described as requiring training to perform; the Magus mentions his training and Demona serves as the Arch age's apprentice. At one point Xanatos directly dismisses the idea of trying to use the Grimorrum to counter Demona because he is not a trained sorcerer himself, which to me at least, suggests merely having the spellbook and speaking the words are not enough to produce magic.

I am therefore writing to ask if there is any set in-universe list of things any would be sorcerer needs to learn before those words have real power (if its a spoiler to say what that list is that's fine, I'm just curious if there is one)?

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Anonymous writes...

Is klarion's and child's relationship the worst among all of the relationships between chaos lords?

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice universe did beast boy knew superman is Clark Kent before beast boy join the team or by the time of season 2 or season 3?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Have Superman and Supergirl met before?

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Pedro writes...

If Cassandra Savage is Earth-16's adaptation of Scandal, does that mean that her mother is Brazilian like in the comics? If so, naming her Cassandra makes a lot of sense, since this name does exist in Portuguese language.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr Weisman Look I know that Nightwing and Zatanna are together, I see the signs but could you give us a clue they broke up in the first place, it's ok if you can't answer just want to know

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Verdragon writes...

Both in and out of universe, what was the reason for the Terror Twins' design change, namely why did Tommy go from looking like Superboy to having the physique of Bane or Mammoth? It's a pretty radical change, especially when compared to Tuppence, who mostly just lost the ponytail, so I'm curious as to why you decided on it.

Also, are the Terror Twins Metahumans (In the sense that they have active Metagenes)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I came across this link on the internet provided here below.


Aside from all the Kryptonians that have already been mentioned/seen on "Young Justice," I want to know first which Kryptonians from the House of El, House of Van, and House of Ze mentioned in the link above also exist in the Earth-16 universe; even though they have been mentioned/seen yet? Secondly, after you are able to confirm which members do exist in Earth-16 universe, I want to know what are each Kryptonian's relationship to Kal-El, Kara Zor-El, and Kru-El; that means in terms of paternal and maternal relationships? The reason I am asking these questions to you because I am trying to figure out the Kryptonian family tree in the Earth-16 universe; in comparison to other versions in the DC Comics multiverse.

Thank you for taking the time to answering my questions whenever you can and to the best of your ability. :)

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Anonymous writes...

Does the league of shadows have other special positions like sensei of the shadows?

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Megatron writes...

1) There are other canon adjacent products set in earth-16 aside from DC showcase Green Arrow, Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Catwoman: Hunnted?
2) If yes and if it's possible to know, which ones?
3) Are the Green Lantern: The Animated Series tie-in comics canon adjacent too?
4) What is the timeframe where is the storyline of Catwoman: Hunted set? (Year/Month/Day-Year/Month/Day)
Thx for your future answer.

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Verdragon writes...

Was there any pushback to you changing the ending of the Judas Contract when adapting it during Outsiders, or was everyone pretty much on board with doing a new spin on the storyline? I personally think what you did with Tara and Brion was brilliant, and that scene in Nevermore is probably my favorite in the entire series.

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Anonymous writes...

Can you describe what M'gann's "bad days" were like in season 4 after she got back to Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Since "Catwoman: Hunted" is canon-adjacent in the Earth-16 universe...

#1. How old is Julia Pennyworth as of 2020?

#2. How old is Catwoman/Selina Kyle as of 2020?

#3. Do Batman and his proteges know who Julia Pennyworth is and that she is Alfred's daughter?

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Anonymous writes...

Since "Young Justice: Targets" finally introduced Merlyn to the Earth-16 universe...

#1. What year was he born?

#2. What year did he became an assassin?

#3. Is his real name Arthur King or Malcolm Merlyn?

#4. Has he ever been identified as the Dark Archer?

#5. When did he first encountered Oliver Queen/Green Arrow?

#6. When were the exact dates of the 16 duels that he won against Green Arrow?

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Parker writes...

During Season 1, where did Kaldur live? From what we got in “Downtime”, he clearly wasn’t living in Atlantis. It was never mentioned that he lived in the cave. In “Welcome to Happy Harbor” M’gann only mentioned herself and Superboy as living there.

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Dee Wayne writes...

Why did the person seen the google glass to Perdida in episode nightmare monkeys in young justice outsiders and if was because the person wants her to put the google glass on then why did the person what Perdida put google glasses on?

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Newton writes...

Before the breakup How did Green Arrow feel about the fact Garfield and Perdita were dating?

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Sam writes...

Why did queen Perdita go to conner and m'gann's wedding without her bodyguards in the last episode of young justice phantoms? Why was she allowed to go to the wedding without her bodyguards?

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Notforprofit writes...

Is Cadmus a 501c3 on Earth-16? Though we know a lot of their work behind the scenes is anything but charitable, on the surface it seems like they could easily portray themselves as dedicated to the advancement of science or education, as the IRS defines it.

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman! Nice to see you're allowing questions to be asked again! And let me just start by saying that I Think Your Stuff is Great, Always Did! And I Can't wait to see the New Gargoyles Comics that are Coming out!

And Now here's my new Question if you don't mind

Since John Castaway is Really Jon Canmore and He KNOWS that Xanatos Brought Goliath and his Clan to to New York to Begin with, is it safe to say that Castaway Finds Xanatos Responsible for the labeled "Gargoyle Problem" of New York?

And if So, is it also safe to say that If Castaway Did somehow succeed in Destroying the Manhattan Clan, he would go after Xanatos for Bringing them to New York?

If the Question's considered a Spoiler, it's Not Intended!

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Sam Imed writes...

Now that James Gunn is at the helm of DC studios, can you negotiate a renewal for Young Justice? Please do at least one more season to cover the Earth vs Apokolips arc you have been building towards. I'm sure a like minded creative like James Gunn will see the prospects of this renewal. Please.

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Anonymous writes...

The Mars arc speech seemed to be loosely inspired by the civil rights movement and the I Have a Dream speech. Is that the case? I’d love your take on these lesser known MLK quotes -

~ Most whites in America, even those of goodwill, proceed from the premise that equality is a loose expression for improvement. White America is not even psychologically organized to close the gap â€" essentially, it seeks only to make it less painful and less obvious but in most respects retain it.~

~ Our white liberal friends cried out in horror and dismay: ‘You are creating hatred and hostility in the white communities in which you are marching. You are only developing a white backlash,’” he wrote. “As long as the struggle was down in Alabama and Mississippi, they could look afar and think about it and say how terrible people are. When they discovered brotherhood had to be a reality in Chicago and that brotherhood extended to next door, then those latent hostilities came out.~

Basically, he’s talking about the hypocrisy of performative white liberals who welcomed his easily digestible messages of peace but turned hostile when he pointed out the racism within themselves and their communities. He has written that this type of white is more dangerous than the overtly hateful ones, because they dilute his message and offer nothing but empty words. I think it’s similar to what people are trying and failing to explain to you when it comes to the way you’ve portrayed certain minority groups in this show.


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Ryan Leger writes...

What are the odds of Disney+ reviving Gargoyles or The Spectacular SpiderMan?

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Brent writes...

Behind Superman, is Superboy the strongest hero in terms of physical strength after Season 2?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman You have sead in the past that Green lantern tas is Young justice adjacent so i would like to ask the fallowing questions 1. Is Carol Farris C. e. o. of Ferris Aircraft like in the comics and Green lantern cartoon and does she occasionally wear a baseball cap or newsgirl cap both at work and during any informal events when she isn't busy at her second job? (In pink with a ring if you know what i mean) 2. How old is Mogo and how long has he been a Green lantern? 3.is the Anti monitor dead in universe 16?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Is Black Adam's origin story the same as in the comics? Does he posses SHAZAM powers like Strength of Hercules, Stamina of Atlas, Power of Zeus, Courage of Achilles & Speed of Mercury?

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of episode Image but before queen bee killed marie logan how many times did miss martian visit the logans?

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Verdragon writes...

If Disney approached you about doing a reboot of Gargoyles based on your original more comedic pitch for the series, albeit this time retaining some more serious elements to bring it more in line with Disney's current animated shows like Amphibia and the Owl House, would you do it?

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Anonymous writes...

What means of travel did garfield logan use to travel to the location were doom patrol members die? What means of travel did garfield logan use to travel to go visit m'gann during the years when Rita Farr was a member of the doom patrol ?

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Anonymous writes...

Are Phantom Stranger or Khalid even told Zatanna the cost of her love proposal that indirectly causing massive casualties on the whole Earth. It's look like could be a great explore of Zatanna guilts altough I could see Phantom Stranger want to maintain Zatanna good fighting spirit by keeping it secret and not make her drown in guilt feelings

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Anonymous writes...

1 When choosing a new member of the light besides having a large sphere of influence are there any specific qualifications for them to join the light?
2 Has there ever been a time when multiple candidates for vacant light seat were considered?

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Anonymous writes...

Is black manta considered an enemy now to the light after the damage his son did during the summit?

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JanRott writes...

Hello, I once asked which Japanese island Ishimura is on and you said you didn't know. After thorough research, it should be Honshu. Yama was able to get to Tokyo after his exile. Vinnie Grigori also wanted to get to Ishimura from Tokyo. Vinnie got his plane ticket from Taro, didn't he? Does it also mean that Ishimura is close to Tokyo? Do you agree or do you think differently?

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Days writes...

Hi Greg! I was wondering if ya thought about expanded the YJ universe in different ways, such as tie in audio stories like Batman Unburied on Spotify or like a movie? Thank you and I hope ya is doing well!

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Wade writes...

1. Did the group Justice Experience exist during the 70’s on Earth 16?

2. Did the original 7 members of the Justice League knew each other secret ids shortly after fighting the alien invasion?

3. Was Lex Luther born from money or was he a self-made man on Earth 16?

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Aj writes...

Hey Greg I have a few questions

1. Can Blue devil cast spells like zatanna and other magic users?

2. If he can what language does he say it in?

3. What were Rose Psychic powers

4. Would transgender woman be welcome on themyscira?

5. Every season has a "big bad villain(s)" that furthers the overall story to the fight between earth and apokolips was there one during the 5 year time skip? not including brainiac

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Small Hope? writes...

So I get that it's a complicated mess as to who owns the rights to the Spectacular Spider-Man tv show, so I understand if you are unable to answer this - but given the fact the first season is now on Disney Plus could fans take it as a sign Disney now outright owns the series? I suppose it could be an expansion upon the agreement that allowed Spidey to be in the MCU, but at the same time there still aren't any stand alone Hulk movies on the service. So, small hope for season 3, or am I reading too much into it?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the Earth-16 version of Krypton, were females fated to marry men that were deemed genetically fit to carry their offspring? If true, would that be considered the Kryptonian equivalent of an arranged marriage on Earth?

2. In the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was the House of Zod considered to be a prominent Kryptonian family that was closely linked to the Kryptonian military?

3. In the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was the House of El considered to be one of the noble ruling families on the planet?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

When responding to criticism on representation of minorities on Young Justice, I have seen you repeatedly say that you should be able to do whatever you want. But do you understand that your content does not exist in a vacuum? Media is an incredibly powerful tool to spread propaganda and stereotypes that lead to real world consequences that affect real life minorities - that’s why we get so upset about it. Some examples: vilification of Arabs and Muslims in media and news has desensitized Westerners to killing thousands of innocents in the Middle East, associating immigrants with crime leads to people voting for candidates with more extreme positions against them, and the widespread belief that bisexuals are promiscuous and unfaithful makes them the most vulnerable group to domestic violence. All three of these stereotypes have played a part in your show. It is not something writers do on purpose, this is how implicit bias works, but I find your responses over the years troubling to say the least. At the end of the day, you’re not the one who has to deal with those real world consequences, so you may have trouble seeing the connections. I think it’s okay to say you don’t understand where someone is coming from because your life experiences are so different. The way you’ve been behaving makes me very sad because I used to admire you, but I can no longer support the content you make.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I gotta say the spectacular Spider-Man was my favorite and probably only animated series. My question is while writing the episode where Peter is exposed as spidy but then able to cover it up, did you thought about having each character in the show finding out his secret in their own or were you thinking about doing a big reveal leading to the last episode of the series had it continue going towards five seasons or were you just going to keep his identity a secret.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Why didn't Bart Allen return to the year 2056 at the end of Phantoms? The reason he didn't return in Invasion was because his time machine didn't work. He just missed an opportunity by hitching a ride with the Legion of Super-Heroes in their Time-Sphere.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Was Darkseid's uncle, Steppenwolf the other tyrant who ousted Mongul from his dictatorship on his home planet, Warworld?

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Anonymous writes...


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anonymous writes...

When we get shots of Chaos Lords and Lords of Order in their true form on screen, they are obviously all different sizes, with some being drastically bigger and/or smaller than others. Why so?

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Anonymous writes...

did you know that in islam the soul can’t be free until the body is buried, so halo’s very existence is a grossly disrespectful violation of “gabrielle’s” body and there’s no way her family would be okay with it? of course you didn’t lol you couldn’t even do the bare minimum of giving her a muslim or even just an arabic name lmfao. and i know you think that’s not a big deal but if you knew anything about muslims you’d know that our names are a very important part of our cultures. idk maybe try talking to more than one singular brown person before making a character next time?

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Eds17 writes...

Does Zatanna's magically gifted cousin, Zackary Zatara, exist in YJ? I think he would be an interesting addition to Zatanna's Sentinels of Magic?

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Eds17 writes...

Did Zatanna's mother have any magical connections? Why did you portray her as a mundane humanity?

In the comics, her mother was a homo-magi and it was implied she was much more powerful than her husband, Zatara. I think this would have been an interesting storyline with Zatanna finding out her mother had 'secrets'.

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Wade writes...

1. Since the power rings on Earth-16 have no weakness to wood or yellow how do supervillains fight Green Lanterns?

2. Did the JSA fight street crime or did they mainly fight Nazis?

3. Did the Axis Powers use mystic items like the Spear of Destiny to prevent the JSA from ending the War early or did they have they own super-agents to keep the war more or less even instead?

4. What was the JSA headquarters location was it different from the All-Star Squardon headquarters location?

5. Did Ra’s Al Ghul came up with ideas for members of the Light or did Vandal Savage already had his list when he talked to Ra’s?

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Anonymous writes...

When Garfield lived with Rita Farr in 2011 did Garfield Logan attended a school? This is before his skin turn green in 2012 of young justice timeline.

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Anonymous writes...

1. In YJ, how do figure out WHEN you’re going to introduce a character to the show (not asking for an exact science). For example, since Arrowette, Wonder Girl, and Robin are all roughly the same age, how did you decide that Arrowette would be introduced in Season 3 while Robin and Wonder Girl would be introduced in season 2?
2. Did you ever consider not doing a time travel story in season 2 and simply having the heroes defeat the Reach the first time around without help from Bart?
3. If DC ever gives you the chance to write more comics, would you consider telling more stories that happened in between the seasons, or would you prefer to progress the storyline further?

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Anonymous writes...

Did beast boy ever serve as miss martian's sidekick when ritia farr was alive or when GarfieldLIVE AT THE CAVE?

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Dug writes...

Why did you have Garfield lOGAN fall in love with peridia if you did not intend for them stay together in relationship for rest of the young justice story line?

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Wolfman writes...

What is the place that Garfield stays at when Garfield stays Miss Martian when Rita Farr does not let Garfield to go on doom patrol missions?

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MASON writes...

Are the White martians the ancestors of CHAMELEON BOY'S
race in young justice universe?

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Luc writes...

Why did you Mr Greg decide to end Garfield and Perdita relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Seyg-El the father of Jor-El and Zor-El, and the paternal grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El?

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Anonymous writes...

Does any martian animal species have longer lifespans than humans?

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Anita Stoltenberg writes...

This after Garfield learn to shapeshift into animals. During the times when Gaffield was visiting M'gann why didn't M'gann not let Garfield go on missions with her on the team when Rita did not let Garfield logan go on missions with the doom patrol?

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Owen writes...

Why didn't M'gann offer Garfield to join the team after Garfield learning to control his power to change into animals and if she did offer why didn't Rita not allow it, or not trust miss martian with Garfield's safety?

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Paul writes...

Hi, Greg!

Since Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of Themiscyra, and Wonder Woman does not appear to have aged (at least not very much) over time in Young Justice (across the four seasons of the show), I have to wonder if the Amazons age very slowly physically (or do not physically age at all), even when they are away from Themiscyra. This leads me to my first question.

1) Given that Troia may be ageing slowly (or not at all), and that she is biologically 20 years old in season 3 in Team Year Nine, was she ALSO biologically 20 years old when she joined the Team in Team Year Two?

2) Another quick question. We have not seen Troia and Cassie interact in Young Justice, but would you please be able to confirm what kind of relationship they have -- do they get along? (I'm not looking for a detailed answer here as I know that that would be too spoilery.)

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