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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

In Alienated and couple of later episodes, we see the trophies the League has on display at the Hall of Justice. Many have been identified (https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Alienated#Trivia) but there are a few items that haven't been becuase we don't get a good look or they seem fairly generic:

1) In the far right cabinet there is what appears to be a golden... ball? (we never get a good look at this)
2) Next to that is a silver staff wth a round head.
3) In the far left cabinet is a pair of crossed staves which seem the same as the silver one, but gold.
4) Below the gold staves is a set of Japanese swords.

Can you tell us what these are references to, if anything?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope you are well.

There are a number of different types of Apokoliptan weapons that have made their way to Earth. I've tried to compile them all on the wiki: https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Apokoliptan_weapons

1) Do any of them have names used in the scripts or design process that you could share?

2) The device that Orion deploys from his belt to fly looks like the Astro-Harness from the comics. Is it called that on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

When was Red Tornado inducted into the Justice Society of America?

Since you've said Red Tornado was created in 1948 (based on the age you gave him) it must have been that year or later. In the induction flashback we see Doctor Fate, looking just like he usually does, but you've previously said Kent gave up the Helmet of Fate in 1945 and used a different helmet. (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=13668)

Was Kent's "fake" Fate costume visually identical to the original one? Or should he have been shown with a different helmet and/or costume?

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Pete writes...

If monkey the god did not choose garfield logam then what power would garfield get from the blood that miss martian gave garfild to live?

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Obrien Riker writes...

In the dc comics miss martian and superboy had a romantic relationship but in young justice they did so why did you have beast boy suffer the lost of his romantic relationship with Perdita over drug use cause mental heath problems cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars to be single just like his dc comic version after dc comic beast boy's time with dc comic Tara end to only show after that superboy is alive in phanothom zone and is renited with miss martian to miss martian and superboy get married at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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oskar writes...

Before wally west died on the mission to stop the reach weapon did wally believe miss martian would outlive all of her human teammates because wally knows martian's age slower than humans?

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Seabert writes...

If you got a season 5 of young justice made would you show more of vandal savages's past history in season 5?

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Gagarin writes...

If you can't get a anime season 5 for young justice made will you make a young justice season 5 comic series?

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Diania writes...

Is Marie Logan's son Garfield's y sperm come from vandal savage?

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Minami writes...

What is the relation between the monkey god and the lords of order in young justice?

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Lee writes...

Out of all humans of earth why did the monkey god choose garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

when zor-el was born

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Jan Rott writes...

In "City of Stone Part Three" there is a man on the 23rd Precinct who complains about the missing night and try the Weird Sisters to calm him down. Some people believe that this man is William Greene. What do you mean.

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Chad writes...

Is the monkey god that spoke to beast boy in outsiders episode nightmare monkeys one of the lords of order in young justice universe ?

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kim writes...

Is vandel savage still alive the future year were the young justice season 4 time travers came from?

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Jan Rott writes...

Hudson is already an old Gargoyle, the condition of his cells should also have an impact on his clone Burbank. So does Burbank have a shorter lifespan than the other clones?

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Storyseeker writes...

I was wondering if you had ever considered doing your own 'What If...?' comic series, for Gargoyles? I always enjoy watching/reading how things might have gone if things happened differently, and I am constantly wondering about what if, for example, Demona had succeeded in wiping out humanity in Hunter's Moon, what if the clan never met Elisa, what if Brooklyn had joined Demona in Temptation...etc? I think it would make a great comic series, as everyone loves a good What If! You only have to look up all the fanfiction online to see that.

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Steve writes...

Is vandel savage the biological father of garfild logan in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

where Joan Garrick worked in her youth

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necro mage writes...

how highly influential do you have to be to join the light? would a powerful crime kingpin like black mask be considered to be to low level to join the light?

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Anonymous writes...

what Jay Garrick studied

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Josh writes...

Why did you choose to use still images to show Vangel savage's backstory history in young justice season 3 and season 4?

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Krinn writes...

Why do you believe it was not realistic for the outsiders not to ask beast boy what was wrong with him and why he was not going on missions with them when the outsiders realise there was something was wrong with garfield and get garfield help before Perdita came to see Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
M'aatt M'orzz

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Anonymous writes...

Why did want to replace Garfield's love life of Perdida with Garfield's dog?

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Anonymous writes...

Just finished season 2 recently, love the show!

1. In the episode "Temptation" when Demona rips out a bunch of pages from the Grimorum, did she rip them out at random, or did she know where to turn in order to get those specific spells?

2. According to the different Gargoyles wikis, Demona used all of the spells she stole, save one. But why didn't she use that last spell? Was it a dud or was it going to be the plot of an episode, but then you had a change in plans?

3. I know the Archmage at the Grimorum (it still makes me laugh really hard) and now it's gone forever, but before that, it had changed hands several times, so is it possible that other pages were ripped out and saved by people before the Xanatos acquired it at the start of the show?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
J'ann J'onzz M'orzz

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anon writes...

when Artemis visited Wally's parents in "Endgame", did they already know about his death? or was she there to break the news? if it was the latter, why was she the one to do it?

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Jose writes...

Why was there no statute of beast boy in the future year where the tine travelers came from seen in young justice season 4?

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Cara writes...

Hi Greg.

May I ask and if you could tell us the Birthday and Hatchday of Goliath, Elisa and David Xanatos.

Thank you for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman How long has Artemis been a fan of the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice and has she ever worn her baseball cap at times wile watching the film at home including any birthday vewings?

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Anonymous writes...

where Martian Manhunter works on earth

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Dale writes...

If you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other than why did you to have their time together as a couple end over a breakup and not having them end up getting married later on just as miss martian and superboy did?

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Anonymous writes...

does Ra's al Ghul have a daughter named Scandal

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Tom writes...

Are any martian animal species have longer a lifespan than humans in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering: what was the reason behind making Sindella brunette instead of giving her her original blonde hair?

(I am aware that the New52 and Rebirth comics showed her as a brunette. But I never really understood the change.)

Is Sindella a natural brunette or did she dye her hair?

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Jim writes...

In season 2 episode earthlings beast boy asks miss martian if she rembered the time she and superboy visit garfield and superboy pick the flowers and miss martian says it was a long time ago. my question is why does miss martian say it was a long time ago when miss martian knows 5 earth years is not a long time to a martian because a martian can live to 300 earth years?

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Anonymous writes...

how old is Zeus biologically and is he immortal

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anonymous writes...

i had a question about Bart and i'm hoping it's vague enough to not be a considered a spoiler: would you consider the future he came from, at the time that he left it in "Bloodlines", apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?

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Jan Rott writes...

Currently, Elena and Emma of Normandy are referred to as sisters because their father is Richard I. Based on history and Elena's year of birth, Elena was born before Richard's first marriage, while Emma was born in Richard's second marriage.
So are they actually half sisters? And what was Elena's mother social class? Name is not important.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Netflix not want to make season 4 of young justice?

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POLLY writes...

Do you believe young justice season 5 would still be cancelled
by HBOMAX if you did not have as part of the plot of young justice season 4 beast boy breakup with Perdita if so, why so and if not why?

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Anonymous writes...

when she was born
Kara Zor-El

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg. In your YJ character countback you listed Wild-Wagon. Is that the Eath-16 name for the Whiz Wagon, the Forever People's vehicle? Since you list it as a character does that mean it's a living machine like Sphere? Does it have a gender like Sphere?

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Sora writes...

Were you going have Garfield and the real Perdita become a coup again in season 5 after Garfield breakup with the clone Perdita in season 4 of young justice as part of the plot of season 5?

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Anonymous writes...

When was Lara El born?

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Mark writes...

I have some questions regarding Oracle. Some parts of this may have been addressed in other questions in the queue, but not all of it and it seemed easier to ask this all together, sorry for any repitition.

Throughout season three we see Dick keeping the fact he is working with Oracle a secret from evryone outside the Anti-Light. At first I assumed this meant Oracle herself was a secret and no-one knew about her, but when the Anti-Light is uncovered at the end of the season it seems clear that everyone knows who she is and what she does.

1) So why does he keep it secret? Is it just because she is officially a member of a team Nightwing is not officially part of and who he shouldn't be communicating with? I'm sure most people would expect them to work together anyway, kind of like Superboy and Miss Martian did.

2) What team(s), if any, has Oracle been a member of? Or is she considered more support now than an official member, like Mal pre-Guardian?

3) Did she leave any team(s) due to the walkout in Princes All? Did she rejoin them in Nevermore?

4) Does Oracle do her own solo heroic hacking work, like in the comics, or does she just provide support for others/act as part of a team?

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Mark writes...

I've been wondering about Intergang and their relationship with Apokolips. In Disordered we find out Intergang is being supplied with equipment by Desaad. We never see them working with/for the Light, but in Salvage, Sportsmaster says that Intergang had turned from the Light, suggesting they did have a relationship prior to that point.

My theory is that the Reach almost certainly knew nothing of the Light's partnership with Darkseid, and the Light would want to keep it that way, and so needed an excuse for the Apokoliptan tech found on Earth. Thus they used Intergang and its relationship with Apokolips as a smokescreen to cover their own involvement.

Am I on the right track?

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mangomizer writes...

I loved the music in Catwoman: Hunted. As I understand, it was composed by Yutaka Yamada. If you are allowed to answer, I would like to know if and when we can expect to see an official release for the movie soundtrack?

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necro mage writes...

young justice phantom episode 9 when describing the ancient village of atlantis phantom stranger says this line: this was to be vandar's utopia a place where all his children those that descended from him and those he took under his wing could live in peace and harmony

does that imply that not all the meta humans from the village of atlantis were vandal's descendants?

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Anonymous writes...

when Josef Vladek was born

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Stephen Jones writes...

In episode nightmare monkeys If Perdita had put the goggles on and went to place were the googles gave directions to go to than what would happen to Perdita if she went there?

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Aaron writes...

Why did the person who sent Perdita the goggles in episode nightmare monkeys want Perdita to wear the goggles?

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Kayleigh writes...

Is the Perdita in young justice targets comic story and season 4 a clone or the real Perdita?

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Jean writes...

Did you intend for Garfield and the real Perdita seen in season 3 to become a couple again in season 5 after Garfield breakup with the fake Perdita in season 4?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Do the other members of Darkseid's family exist in Earth-16? I know there's Grayven, Kalibak and Orion. But what about Grail, Drax, Heggra, Steppenwolf, Killroy, Rublon or Scott Free?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Earth-16 isn't mentioned or referenced in Dark Crisis: Big Bang. Should I be worried?

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Flay writes...

Is the person we see as Perdida in young justice phantoms the same person we see as Perdita in young justice outsiders?

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Rapert writes...

How did Perdita get the scare on her neck seen in season 4 of young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

how old is garfield's dog wingman

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Anonymous writes...

A couple of Targets based questions:

1) How did Lex Luthor find out about the kryptonite and Perdita's plan to bring it to the US?

2) How was Count Vertigo free to take part in the events of Revelation less than 48 hours after getting caught at the end of Intimate Connection? Did Arrow and Canary just... let him go afterwards?

3) How did Vertigo have diplomatic immunity in Coldhearted after getting caught trying to murder Queen Perdita?

Honestly that never made sense to me in the first place, given that the Injustice League blackmailed the whole UN, which would include Vlatava. Plus, that Vlatava doesn't seem like such a powerful country that it can stand up to basically the whole rest of the world and say "we know our guy caused billions of dollars of damage and significant loss of life in multiple very powerful countries, but we're not letting you arrest him" and not face crippling diplomatic and economic consequences, or that those countries would just arrest him anyway, whatever Vlatava thinks. But I guess its just the TV version of diplomatic immunity which means a person can just do anything and face no consequences. Bleh. Anyway, sorry for the rant, it's just a trope that bugs me.

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, a couple of questions on the batplane(s) if I may.

We see Batman use two models of aircraft in Young Justice, seemingly both at the same time. One, first seen in Revelation, is like a fighter and was explicitly called the Batplane in Coldhearted. The second appears first in Failsafe in space, and then reapppears in Exceptional Human Beings. It is never explicitly named on screen.

1) Is the second model also called the batplane, or does it have another name e.g. batwing?
2) Is the second model accurately depicted in the simiulation in Failsafe> i.e. can it really go into near space, deploy camera units, etc?
3) In the Batcave in Triptych we see what appears to be another aircraft hanging up wiht folded wings. Is this another batplane design? A replacement for the first design which we never see after season two? A drone? Something else?
4) Revelation shows the first batplane is equipped with guns. Exceptional Human Beings shows the second has lasers. In general, how do you feel about the way Batman's "no guns" rule rarely seems to apply to his vehicles? It's always bothered me personally.
5) Does Batman have a rationale for arming his vehicles with weapons he wouldn't use directly himself?

Thanks as ever!

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Mark writes...

1) You've revelealed previously that Lietutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel both left the Team in the same calendar year. Did they both leave at the same time?
2) You've said that if Mary had been able to appear in Satisfaction, she would have appeared as both Mary and Sergeant Marvel. Does this mean she left the Team for reasons other than having to give up her powers, or was that something new developed in the years after season two?
3) When did Mary stop using her powers (prior to starting again in Kaerb Ym Traeh!)?

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Mark writes...

Hi, Greg. A couple of questions based on your YJ character countback.

1) Is Krush Jr the crustacean-like guy we see next to M'Chiste in Emergency Dive?
2) Is Krush Jr the son of the Krush mentioned by Calvin Durham?
3) You list Terrance Thurston, presumably Traci's dad. Normally his name is spelled Terrence. Is that a deliberate change or an error?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Hawkwoman and Hawkman's armor made of Nth metal?

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Aaron writes...

1). Are you familiar with the batman Arkham games, if so are you a fan of them at all? And in general, what are your favourite interpretations of batman?

2). Are you a ninja turtles at all if so what is your favourite iteration of them?

3). Have you ever seen breaking bad or better call Saul, if so which, do you think is better?

4). You've mentioned before that you're a fan of Shakespeare, but aside from Shakespeare are there any other writers that have influenced your work or style of writing?

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Aaron writes...

Have any aspects of young justices story ever been influenced by conspiracy theories? (Cos I've noticed how similar certain story lines to real life conspiracy theories such as the human cloning story line and the mind control storyline feeling similar to mk ultra, the reach energy feeling to the "fluoride in the water" and GMO conspiracy, also the way the queen bee tried to blackmail ms Martin sounds like something that could be happening to politicians all the time. Also the goode VR goggles feels like a parallel to the metaverse stuff happening now and the metateen abduction and trafficking story line feels like a parallel to many human trafficking networks we've heard about in the real word?Also the North and South Rhelasia conflict being started by lex Corp (a foreign entity) in season 1 feels very similar to what people believe the real cause for the war in Afghanistan and infinity Inc seems like an example of controlled opposition).

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Anonymous writes...

when he was born Jor-El

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Anonymous writes...

what is the name of Eduardo Dorado Jr.'s grandfather

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Sally J writes...

Did any of the people who help you make young justice comic book story targets ever tell you it might have been a mistake to not let Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at the end of issue 6 at any point in time after issue 6 was given to the public to see?

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Darcy writes...

Would the events of season 3 and season 4 still happen if young justice was not cancelled by cartoon network?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the biological age of Hippolyta mother Wonder Woman

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Hannah writes...

Was season 5 going to take place in the year superboy does the thing he does in happy harbor that the time traverses talk about to superman in season 4?

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Mir writes...

Why did have (Wally west kid flash) easter eggs in season 3 if you did not plan to have wally west come back?

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HENERY writes...

Do you have regret having beast boy breakup with Perdita as part the story of season 4 and if not then why not?

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Tolle writes...

Why did cartoon network canceled young justice after 2 seasons?

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JO writes...

Why did miss martian not ask beast boy what was wrong with him and council beast boy during the time they travel on bioship to mars for miss martian and superboy's wedding on mars in season 4?

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Tony writes...

Hey Greg I hope you're doing well, firstly I want to thank you for your work on Young Justice the show is great and I personally think you've done a great job with the show, I really hope season 5 ends up happening. Now my questions
1. What did Sportsmaster think of his daughters partners (Wally being with Artemis and Chesire with Roy/Will)?
2. Does Sportsmaster ever check in on his grand-daughter, does Will get any visits from his supervillain father in-law?
3. Why is Wally so much slower than Bart and Barry? I don't remember it ever being explicitly stated why although I may have missed something in one of the comics or something. Man I miss Wally.
4. Most important question, who did Brucely like more Artemis or Wally?

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Anonymous writes...

Personally I'm not a fan of Angela being with Broadway I agree with what a person said on your twitter page Angela deserves way better than a doofus and obese gargoyle like Broadway she and the person on twitter was right I wat he'd the 3 part Avalon trilogy and the episode I'll Met By Moonlight they do have feelings for each other and you want to know something he's not in denial about Gabriel and Angela you are their relationship goes way beyond brother and sister.

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Troy writes...

There was a statue of superboy in the future. But why was there no statue of beast boy in the future time period
were the time travelers of season 4 young justice came from?

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Showwatcher writes...

Few things.
1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Steel Man writes...

Was garfield logan at conner's first birthday party made by megan morse in 2011 and if not then why not ?

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Paul writes...

In 2012 How did wally west react to learning Garfield logan got the power to change into animals in young justice universe?

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necro mage writes...

are the heroes still completely unaware of what metron did to lor zod and if the anwser is yes has no one questioned why lor zod hasn't made another move or do they just think he is biding his time?(pun intended)

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Anonymous writes...

If the Justice League and the Team finds out about Mary Bromfield's turn to villainy and Zatanna's role in it, will Zatanna likely end up being expelled from the Justice League?

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Scott Bradley writes...

Are all web wing gargoyles like Lexington smaller then the other ones

How would a web winged gargoyle webbing effect there ability to use a sowrd or other weapons

Would hypolita have a egg on avalon or did she not have a mate and if she did what could he possibly look like together their egg being hundsons grandson or granddaughter

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Shawn writes...

Hi Greg I’m a huge fan of Young Justice I was 10 when the show came out and I’ve been watching the series on repeat for months on end my question to you is will there be a season 5 and if show could Supergirl and Black marry be potentially the main villains of the show

Thank you so much


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Paul writes...

Was Terrance Thurston (Doctor Thirteen) one of the individuals who was considered for JL reserve membership by Superman and Black Lightning at the end of "Beyond the Grip of the Gods!"? Two faces were hidden in that shot, so that's why I'm asking about this.

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Eplin writes...

At any point in time after all six issues of young justice comic story targets was relies to the public did any of the people who help you make the young justice cartoon series or young justice comic series subject to you Greg that was a mistake have Garfield breakup with Perdita?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman i have some young justice questions for you 1. How long have Mist and Live wire known each other and do both girls along with Lia Briggs own and wear baseball caps from time to time ? 2. What crimes did Mist and Live wire originally commit to get sentenced to Bell Reve prison before they were both kidnapped for Meta Human trafficing? 3. how old is Doctor 13 and how long has he been active in Earth 16?

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Wade McDuffie son of Dwayne and Charlotte writes...

Are you going introduce more milestone characters if season 5 of Young Justice is renewed

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molly writes...

Did beast boy's voice actor ask you to have beast boy breakup with perditia and if so why?

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Monroe writes...

Soon after m'gann return to earth Why was m'gann not angry at black Canary and the outsiders and blue devil for them not getting help for Garfield for his mental health problems as soon as they knew there was something was wrong with beast boy?

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Tiller writes...

During the time of young Justic comic targets events why does black canary not tell Perdita that Garfield still loves and missies Perdita and Garfield had these mental health problems on mars before Garfield return to earth when black canary and Perdita meet before Perdita gets kidnapped?

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Anonymous writes...

In the original timeline of the 31st century; before Lor-Zod went back in time to kill Superboy, was Kara Zor-El released from the Phantom Zone along with Dru-Zod and the other Kryptonians, or did she remained trapped in there? If the former, what happened to her after she was released from the Phantom Zone?

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necro mage writes...

is project rutabaga still ongoing?

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Anonymous writes...

In "Leviathan Wakes," when Orin asked if everyone approved of Mera being High King of Atlantis, it appears that Mera's father (Ryus Nereus) did not give an immediate response to this like the others did (because he had his hand on his chin; as if in deep thought); although he ultimately agreed in the end. What was going on in Ryus' mind before he agreed to Mera's status as High King?

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necro mage writes...

when darkseid invaded earth and before darkseid offered a partnership did vandal(genghis kahn) consider using klarion against apokolips when it became very clear his army stood no chance

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Henry Mint writes...

Hi, I was wondering - and maybe it was mentioned in the show and I just forgot - but what was Superman's public debut like, on Earth-16? I ask because the comics have told his origins several times, retconning it a bunch, etc, and I'm wondering if Earth-16 Clark's first public appearance mirrors one of these, or is something different entirely.

John Byrne's "Man of Steel" portrayed Clark's first debu as "the flying man" (without his suit), landing an airplane. Superman: The Animated Series seemed to take some inspiration from this, though he had the suit there.

The Donner films had the classic scene where he catches Lois Lane and the helicopter, and "Superman: Birthright" took heavy inspiration from that (though the context was different).

"Secret Origin" and "Man and Superman" had their own takes. As do a number of else world stories.

So on and so forth. (Most of these had Superman perform smaller, more anonymous acts of super heroics before these points, but it's hard to class that as "public")

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Anonymous writes...

I'm confused about something. In the beginning of the series, Superboy is a covert hero, a secret hero that even the public doesn't know about, but yet why did he go out as a public hero in Schooled when he is supposed to remain secret? Did he go just to try and meet Superman or why was going "on a walk"?

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